Chapter 1 - Welcome to Despair!(Part 1)

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Upon recieving the message, the countries had gathered in the place. Leaving a couple of confused ones as well as none of them admitted to ever sending the note; and accusations actually flew most everywhere.

America had been shouting about how out of date the letter was; as they could have just sent the countries an email.

England had been sighing at the others, shaking his head a little bit before looking away.

Andorra was clinging to her fathers, France and Spain, with tiny little whines in protest towards being at this place.

Malta shook her head, patting her niece's head as she looked around boredly, jumping a bit when an intercom came on with a loud melodic chime.

"Hello nations~!" A happy voice cheered, "Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay as... You'll be staying here for the rest of your lives~!" This encouraged a group of confused glances as there was a pause, "There is one way to escape... You simply have to kill another nation and get away with it~!"

This earned a confused question, "We're nations, we can't die! Besides, I remember perfectly that I could still leave when I came in with England...!" America claimed, though Andorra shook her head,

"I-It locked when we arrived..." She had admitted quietly, looking down towards the ground.

"That's right~! So you are currently locked in!" Came the simple exclaimation, "Now, where was I... Ah, yes! If you get caught, you'll be punished, if not; Everyone else will be~"

The Canadian bit his lip, "P-Punished...?"

"Perhaps punished isn't the best way to put it... I guess a sort of... Execution~?"

Spain blinked, eyes widening a bit in surprise, "E-Executed?!"

"That's right~! Burned at the stake, hung, shot to death; You know~" They mused, "However, if you wish to stay, there's enough food for everyone and it's restocked each day~"

Malta had growled lowly, staying close to her big brother England; "Oi! Are you really too scared to tell us this to our face?!" She spat.

The voice seemed to ignore her, "Enjoy your stay~!" The intercom went off, leaving a mix of confused, angry and upset nations.

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