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****Riley's P.O.V****

I woke up jumping out of bed I was, so excited about going to Hogwarts today! I was of course nervous my stomach kept hurting.

I got ready I picked out my cloths I put on leggings again, and black, and white striped shirt, and picked out black hight tops.

Then I got my stuff I was going to take I got my owl in her cage, and headed to the car I put everything in the trunk then went inside for breakfast.

"Are you excited?" my grandpa asked "yeah, but kinda nervous" I said "dont worrie you'll be fine it's amazing there you'll love it" my grandma said "and you will get to back new friends!" my grandpa said I gave him a small smile.

I'v never had a friend before in my entire life I never trusted anyone I know they say your friend, or best friend is like your sister, but I never had the confidence to try, and make one I hope l make one or trust them enough to.

"Come on we dont want to be late" my grandma said when we were all done eating I got in the car plugged my headphones in, and listened to the music falling asleep.

I woke up, and realized we were her I got out of the car, and got my stuff we headed to the platform I knew I had to run through it my grandma told me, but when I was actually going to I grew nervous.

I went up took a deep breath, and ran thought I had done it I saw a tair, and kids going on it.

My grandparents came behind me "ah there it is the Hogwarts Express" she said "go in there, and find a compartment to sit in" she told me I tured to them tears in my eyes.

"I'll miss both of you thank you, so much for everything since that night" I said.

"Oh Riley I couldint stand thinking that for, so many years you living with your father, but its ok your with us nothing will happen to you your going to love it" my grandma said.
I hugged both of them, and got on nervous.

I found an empty compartment, and sat in I fixed my stuff, and sat down I plugged in my headphones, and went to sleep.

"She's been asleep for a while we should wake her"

"Dont disturb her"

"Your right never wake a girl its the last thing you'll do"

"Really Ron your an idiot"

I heard voices they sounded very close I opened my eyes I saw two boys, and a girl starring at me.

One of the boy had brown hair, and the other boy had orange hair the girl had light brown wavy hair.

"I'm sorry we woke you up" the girl said "we were trying not to" she said glaring at the two boys.

"I was just saying she was sleeping for a while" the boy with red hair said "I told you not to disturb her" the boy with brown hair said.

"I'm Hermione Granger" the girl said "this is Ron Weasley, and" I cut her off I knew who the other boy was I spoke quietly "Harry Potter?" I said "yup" he said.

"Can we sit here its the only place we could find we were going to sit here, and let you sleep, but somebody woke you up" she said looking at Ron "sure" I said.

"Are you in third year" Ron asked I nodded "so are we what house are you in?" Hermione asked "I don't know its my first time here, but I'm a third year" I said "oh that makes more sense" Harry said "yeah" I said.

The whole train ride they kept asking me questiones.

"I really dont mean to be rude, but I dont like telling people about myself after what has happened to me in my life, and I have a really hard time trusting anyone" I said.

"Hey its ok we- well at least I get it" Hermione said "I do too" Harry said.

When we arrived I had to go with first years to be sorted then l would go with the third years, or to my dorm.

We walked in a room they called the Great Hall one by one kids went up I was thinking, and not paying attention until they called my name.

I felt a rush of panic rush up me I went up, and sat down the hat was placed on me it spoke...

"Well lets see what we have here well you currently have been thought a lot, and your brave very brave you have survived the people who have hurt you, so lets put you in...GRYFFONDOR!" the hat said everyone cheered.

Then a boy came, and took me to the Gryffindor comman room, and showed me where the dormitories were.

I walked in my dorm no one was, but there was three bed I took one my stuff were already there.

I organized my things I let Honesty out thats what I named my owl (dont ask how I came up with it.) she just stood close to the window feeling the cool air.

I sat next to her, and read, and was thinking nobody came in all night I just read, and read, and cried a little thinking I didint go to sleep I wasint tired I just wanted to read, and think.

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