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****Ally's P.O.V****

When I woke up I noticed one of the beds close to Riley's, and a girl sleeping on it her hair was the same as Riley's, and she looked, so much like her it was scary.

Riley woke up, and saw I was up she quickly jumped out of bed, and rushed to me smiling "hey who is that" she asked "that's what I was going to tell you" then the girls woke up yawning.

Riley squealed, and she jumped to the girl I'v never seen her this happy "get up I want you to meet someone" she said pulling the girl out of bed she finally got out I saw her face now.

She was standing next to Riley, and now I was really freaked out they looked identical.

"Ok Ally this is Maya" she said "hi maya" I said "I dont mean to be rude, but why does she look, so much like you?" I asked Riley smiled " because she's my twin sister!" she said squealing a bit.

"What? How?" I asked shocked, but they did look a lot alike she explained everything to me about what her mum did, and how she met her.

"Wow you guys look, so much alike" I said looking at them close "are you in the same house as us?" I asked "no I'm in Hufflepuff" she said "oh" I said.

"Thats reminds me I have to get to class" she said putting her shoes on.

"So you have to" Riley asked "yeah sorry I'll stop by here later I promise" she said "ok" Riley said they hugged " bye Ally" she said smiling "bye" I said.

"She's really nice" I said "I know I'm, so happy I met her" she said smiling "and we have, so much in comman we both like books, and listen to similar music, and she's just, so much like me!" she said I seriously never have seen her this happy.

We went to class this girl came up to Riley "hey didint I just see you in the Hufflepuff comman room" she asked "oh that must of been someone else" Riley said "ok" the girl said walking away.

"Why didint you tell her about Maya?" I asked "I don't know" I said "hey do you think Maya will want to perform with me?" she asked "yeah probably" I said.

****Riley's P.O.V****

When class was over I found Hermione, and told her about Maya.

"what does she look like?" she asked "me obviously" I said chuckling a little "what house is she in?" she asked "Hufflepuff" I said "cool" she said "yeah I have to go look for Maya" I said leaving.

I found her walking to the Gryffindor comman room "hey" I said "hi" she said "I have a question" I said "what is it?" she said "I was wondering if you wanted to perform a song with me?" I asked "when?" she asked "today in the Great Hall" I said.

"In front of people?" she asked nervous "yeah" I said "I dont know I dont really like singing in front of people" she said "please it will be fun I'v done it, and its not that bad, and I'll be there with you" I said "alright" she said.

"Yay! Ok we have to go get ready" I said dragging her to my dorm.

I gave her a white dress with stars on it, and I was wearing a black dress with flowers on it I taught her the song, and told her in what order we were singing.

We headed to the Great Hall she was nervous "hey its going to be ok" I said she nodded, and took a deep breath.

"We have Riley, and Maya performing next" they announced, and we went up.

Riley: I'm you twin you my twin we stick together threw thick, and thin.

Maya: No matter what I do I'm always stuck with you, and if trouble comes our way I know my twin will save the day.

All: were ever you may be your always stuck with me.

Riley: When you feeling sad, and blue call my name, and I'll find you we have our bond thats tied, and true.

All: You, and me me, and you two by two.

Maya: What if I never find you what if I'm a twin no more I'd give all me valued treasures if you cam walking threw that door.

Riley: When you feeling sad, and blue call my name, and I'll find you.

Maya: We have our bond that's tied, and true.

All: you, and me me, and you two by two.

When we finished we were looking at each others eyes smiling kids were clapping some noticed how much we looked alike, and were shocked I noticed Harry was one of them I chuckled a little at his shocked face.

We walked off the stage Hermione, and Ally came to us "you guys were awesome that song was too, and it was made for you guys" Ally said "when they saw you two looked alike they were, so shocked" Hermione said "I know" I said "oh Maya this is my friend Hermione Granger" I said "hi Hermione" Maya said smiling "hey" Hermione said.

When we were walking back to my dorm Harry came up to me "you have a twin?!" he said "obviously" I said smiling "you two are, so identical" he said looking at me then Maya.

"Oh sorry I'm Harry" he said "I'm Maya oh, so your the one Rliey keeps talking about" she said I elbowed her Harry's face tured red he was smiling "well I have to go see Ron bye Maya bye Riley" he said leaving.

As soon he left Maya tured to me "he likes you I can tell" she said smiling my face tured red "you don't know that" I said "oh please Riley its obvious" she said she kept teasing me about it until we got to my dorm.

Honesty was there she had a letter for him I opened it excited.

Even though you have an identical twin I can still tell the difference between the one my eyes fell in love with.

Maya saw me reading it "what is that" she asked "oh I um have an admiorer" I said "really?!" she asked "yeah he sends me letters like everyday" I said.

She read the note "aww thats, so sweet" she said "yeah" "wait, so if he know's you have a twin then he was at our performance, or he talked to us" she said "what boys did you talk to today that you told about me?" she asked.

"only Harry" I said "bu-" she cut me off "it's Harry!" she said "no Harry's like my best friends" I said "yeah, but in the note it said you have an identical twin" she said "so?" I asked "and Harry said we look identical" she said "that dosint mean anything" I said "whatever you say" she said smirking.

I blushed a bit Hermione, and Ally came in "hey" they said "hi" Maya said "are you, and Ron still fighting?" I asked Hermione "yeah" she said sighing.

I wanted them to stop fighting because I knew she still liked him, and, so I could talk to Harry.

I went to show Maya were the girls bathroom was while we were walking kids would look at us sayin to other kids "there twins?" "since when does she have a twin."

When we got back to out dorm Harry was in there he was sittin in this little bench thing thats attacked to my window Maya looked at me smirking I ignored her, and went sit next to him.

"Hey" he said "hi where's Ron, and he let you come here?" I asked " he's at the library trying to study for a test" he said "oh" I said "I still can't believe you have a twin sister" he said "yeah neither can I" I said smiling at Maya who was talking to Hermione, and Ally.

They kept giggling when they looked at Harry, and I, I tried to ignore them Harry's face kept turning red.

I was getting tired I was sitting on a pillow on the floor talking to Maya, and Harry I remembered talking to them then falling asleep next Maya?

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