Chapter One

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WOWZA this is an actual story not a crack fic dang. ^but to make up for it there's a meme you peasants.

This is a story by Silent_Storms and Moikeyyyy_way   Go follow us please and thanks(Pete) 


I made my way through the halls carefully, avoiding Harry and his friends. I couldn't come home with bruises and blood stained clothes again. I couldn't bother my mother with another heart attack.

"Watch where you're going, fag." My attackers words sting, but not as much as my skin will if I don't get to class now.

I break into a sprint, trying to reach my English class before the bell rings. "Where do you think you're going, Frankie??" Harry's words ring through my ears, warning me of what's to come. 

"Leave me alone. I just have to get class." I try walking farther from Harry but his hand firmly grips my arm, refusing to let go. I flail my body, trying to fight his grasp, even though I have no 'fighting' experience.  But somehow, one of my flying limbs end up slapping Harry in the face, tinting the skin red and making my breath hitch in my throat.

"You're going to pay for that." His eyes are wide and burning with an animistic ferocity, and honestly, I'm terrified. I feel tears threatening to run down my cheeks, but I stop them before they actually do, not wanting to have a break down here. If I do someone would probably laugh and say something along the lines of, "Is the little fag gonna cry?" 

I was being dragged through the overly bright blue halls towards what I could tell was the freshman bathroom. As the door to the changing rooms opened, I was practically thrown inside and jumped. Punches and kicks were aimed at my already sore skin, mixed with insults that usually had something to do with how worthless I am.

I was pulled up to my feet roughly by my shirt collar, struggling to breathe, but for a split second, Harry released me. I took the chance to try and run away from the locker room, but one of Harry's friends, Louis, grabbed the back of by black flag tee shirt and pulled me back in. "You trying to run away, short stack? You think we won't kick your a-" he was cut short by a boy that seemed like he just walked out of the shower. His medium length black hair was still damp, soaking the shoulder of his Morrissey tee shirt.

"If you don't leave him alone, I'll have to do the same to you. So I'd suggest you go now." Louis scoffed and folded his tanned arms over his chest. "And what will you do about it, fa-" he couldn't finish his snarky remark before the black haired kid punched Louis hard in the jaw. "I'll do that. Now LEAVE." Harry's clique grumbled a few senseless remarks before walking out of the locker room, leaving Louis lying I the floor. "Are you just gonna lay there like a helpless puppy? Or are you going to man up and leave?" The boy stood tall over the crumpled body of Louis, smirking tauntingly at his cowering state.

Reluctantly, Harry's right hand man slowly stood up, facing the boy. Poking a finger in his chest he muttered a "Watch yourself" before dragging his feet out of the locker room. The black haired stranger quickly turned to me, offering a hand to pull myself off the floor with. I gladly accept it and let out a shaky breath. "I'm Gerard, sorry about them."He spoke softly making me sheepishly look down at the ground and blush "I-I'm Frank. Thanks for helping me." I shuffle my feet a little before muttering a light "um.. I have to go." Before turning and making my way towards the door.

"Wait!" I turn, looking at the boy who was practically running towards me. "Wait. I've seen you around a lotand-" I cut him off "How much is a lot?" He shrugs,"Enough to know that you're usually alone. And I wanted to invite you to come sit with me at lunch." I opened my mouth to say something along the lines of 'I can't.' or 'I would, but I'd do something really embarrassing to make you hate me' but he speaks up before I can answer him "Please. You're a sophomore right? I'm a senior, so with the messed up lunch schedule we have lunch together. You know the round table by the big oak tree?" I nod. "That's where me and my only friends sit. Come by at lunch, okay?" I nod again, feeling a blush coat my place cheeks. "O-okay." I bite my lip ring and walk out of the locker room, practically skipping. Did I just make a friend?


I was just out of the shower and pulling clothes on when I caught sight of Harry's group of friends beating a poor kid senseless, and I had to intervene. I used to be that kid. The new, weird, emo boy. I wish someone would have stopped them from beating me, so I had to do the same for him. And besides, he was pretty cute.

I heard Louis say something about beating him up, then I didn't think twice before jumping in. And then he dared to call me a faggot? His mistake. I punched him square in the jaw, quickly turning to his friends practically daring them to do something to the poor boy.

Why they would want to do anything to such an innocent and gentle looking person? I honestly wanted to pick him up and carry him anywhere away from the awful school. But I barely knew him, and I'm pretty sure that's considered kidnapping someone. And for some strange reason, even though I just asked him to eat lunch with me and my friends, Ray and Mikey, my heart was hammering agaisnt my chest almost painfully. Don't even get me started on when he blushed, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. If all of his other cute little habits weren't bad enough, he bit that lip ring of his. And that just about started an uprising in my pants.

Wow! Nice going Gerard! Having dirty thoughts about a boy you just met!

But in my defense, he had a really, really nice butt. I couldn't help but stare and bite my lip as he walked out of the locker room, even if I had to quickly run into one of the stalls and fix my 'not so little problem'

I barely knew the kid, but I already know he's going to be the death of me.


Wooo wowza is it good? Did we make a mistake? 

Hopefully not Vote and comment

In Which Frank Iero is an Adorable Homosexual Where stories live. Discover now