Chapter 3

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HEYYYY THIS IS SUPER LATE BUT WE DONT HAVE A SCHEDULED UPDATE TIME ANYWAYYYYYYY *flies into the sunset sipping my dainty tea glass full of bleach*

"Well with this new found information, I'd like to ask you out on a date." Gerard mentioned causally taking a slow sip from his water. I froze as a wave of panic hit me, how is he so composed when I can barely breathe? "Uh-you probably don't want to do that."

"And why would that be?" His right eyebrow raised in confusion at my statement, a small smile tugging his lips upwards. "I'd embarrass you." I cast my glance down, biting my lip. "Or myself."  My words were barely a whisper, yet loud enough for him to hear. "Trust me. There's no way that could happen." He puts his hand on my knee, rubbing slow circles into it calmly.

'Oh, you have no idea.' I thought to myself, keeping my gaze down as a blush dusted my face.. "There's a million ways it could happen. I could trip over nothing, spill food all over myself..." I dared to look up at him, finding him watching me intently.

"Then we won't go to dinner, and if you fall I swear I'll catch you." My blush deepened and a small smile found its way onto my face. I sighed and looked him in the eyes, "Okay." He smiled, the silly grin crinkling his eyes and causing millions of butterflies to flutter through my stomach. He opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off.
"On one condition. No matter how embarrassing I act, you can't ditch me." He shrugged, leaning back against his backpack, playing with the strap in the most comely way,"Wouldn't dream of it." By now my blush had probably taken over my face, I nodded, moving the hair away from my eyes.

Gerard leaned closer to me, never breaking eye contact. My heart pounded heavily, in an almost deafening way. I couldn't stop staring at his beautifully entrancing hazel eyes. "So, I'll pick you up at eight. Mind giving me your address?" He slid a price of paper my direction causing me to snap out of my daydream. I jotted my address down in a piece of paper Gerard had given me and gave him a smile. "Ye-yeah. See you at eight." I stood up as the bell rung, brushing dust off my black skinny jeans.

He smiled back and waved as I walked away, giggling like an idiot. What a mistake.

"What's the little fag smiling about now?" Just my luck, Harry's here. Sighed at his complete lack of insults. I swear all that ever came out of his mouth was fag. Fag fag fag fag fag. All. Day. Long. "Nothing. I wasn't smiling." I spoke monotonously, not wanting to run to Gerard for help. That would only show how weak I was, and I didn't want to drive him away.

"I'm pretty sure I heard you giggling. Like the tiny baby fag you are." I took a shaky breath, I was so tired of being pushed around by these jerks. I felt my eyes brim with tears before letting out another shaky breath. "Pl-please don't call me that." Harry smirked and roughly grabbed my arm making me wince. "No."

I was thrown into the boys locker room, my stomach hitting the old wooden benches knocking the wind out of me, before my head hit the cold floor. I wasn't even given three seconds to catch my breath before the oldest of the five boys delivered a swift kick to my rib cage, an audible crack sounding throughout the room. I shrieked at the searing pain, curling myself into the fetal position to protect my ribs from further damage. Niall the youngest of the five, took his chance to kick me in the back. I screamed and rolled over ignoring the ache of my abdomen, getting on all fours in an attempt to crawl away.

I was almost to the door when I felt strong arms wrap around me and drag me backwards. My hands were quickly pinned above my head as Harry straddles my hips and began to throw a series of punches aimed at my already broken ribs. I screamed and pleaded, but to no avail. My vision went blurry as I began to drift in and out of conciseness, but I swear I heard someone walk in the locker room. "What the?" Was all I could make out as a pair of kinder arms wrapped around me, picking me up and carrying me out of the locker room

In Which Frank Iero is an Adorable Homosexual Where stories live. Discover now