Confidence (chapter 7.5)

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(Xiumin's POV)

I've had enough of Chanyeol not telling me why I had to bring these damn skinny jeans so I decided to finally ask him.

"Chanyeol honestly why did you make me change into these jeans?" I looked up at him while asking.

"Well, ok so Chen said that his type of someone adorable and someone who has...." he stopped all of a sudden like if he wasn't sure if he should tell me or not.

"Who has??" I tried to get him to continue because I was so fuckin tired of him not telling me.

"Someone who has nice ass." I could feel my whole face turn red.

"You think I have a nice ass?" I asked causing me to blush more. All of a sudden he started laughing and it got me confused.

"What???" Did you lie to me?" I felt like I was about to cry because I thought Chanyeol was lying to me.

"Hahaha no its just your face made me laugh but yes Xiumin you actually do have a nice ass, so if you wore those skinny Chen would see your ass and go after you more. " Chanyeol patted my back letting me know he wasn't lying.

"Oh" is all I could say as I looked at the floor.

We got to the flower shop right after that and we walked in.

But when we went inside Baekhyun was the only one there. That made me a little disappointed because I actually was looking forward to seeing Chen.

Baekhyun greeted us and started talking he then turn to me making sure he was saying the right name.

"Ya my name is Xiumin." I said with a large smile on my face. I could see why Chanyeol is fond of this boy. He is petite and a little bit of a sassy area around him and both of them looks so well together.

Baekhyun continue to talk when I heard the door open. Both me and Chanyeol turn our heads to see who it was.

Lo and behold. Standing at the door was the person I have been wanting to see.

When Chen saw us he froze in place. I notice the his eyes were staring at my ass and with that I found confidence.' I said I was going to help Chanyeol so I'm going to.'

I walked up to Chen and looked up at him.

"Hey can we go get some ice cream together?" I made a puppy dog face so he wouldn't refuse.

"Umm sure." He said and I could see a small blush on his cheeks.

I grabbed his hands and started walking to the door. And on my way out I said my goodbyes and went out the door not letting go of Chen's hand.
(Chen's POV)

I was in shock what happened to the adorable shy Baozi I met yesterday. And those skinny jeans that hugging his nice ass was not helping my lower parts. His the one I've been wanting my whole life. I finally found my confidence again and decided to talk to him.

"So I actually thought you were innocent and shy." I said while smriking a him. He was still holding my hand as we walk so when I said that he squeezed my hand.

"Um, well I am shy." He said avoiding my eyes.

"Really now I'm sure an innocent guy would totally ask a guy out on a date in that way. Especially someone who he barely knews and just met."

"Um well I'm not sure I just couldn't help myself." Uggh he's so innocent I want to hug him right now.

We found an ice cream shop and went in. We ordered and Xiumin was about to pay for his own when I paid for his before he could.

"Chen it's okay I could have paid on my own." he tried handing me money.

"Hahaha no I got this is a date so the guy should be paying." I said as I pulled out the chair so he could sit. I could see his face turned red immediately.

"And if you're that worried about paying for the ice cream. You can just pay me back later in another way." I had the most mischievous smile on my face and he blushed even more which I didn't even know was possible.

"So Chen have you had your first kiss?" he asked all of a sudden which I was not expecting.

"Yes I have what about you?" I turned his own question back at him.

"Umm well..... "He avoided my eyes and I instantly realized.

"You haven't had your first kiss!?!" I said a little too loud.

"Ya" he said in the smallest voice possible, embarrassed.

"Wait that also means that your still a virgin." I could see him nod while playing with icecream. And with that I lost it.

I got up grabbed Xiumin's hand and started walking to my house.

"Chen where are we going?" Xiumin ask confused with my actions.

"To my house." I said as I took out my keys. We got to my house and went in.

Once the door was closed I pushed Xiumin against the wall.

"Chen what are you doing?" I answered him by crashing my lips on his. His lips were so soft and it made my situation worse.

Xiumin try to push me off but he couldn't. "C-Chen" he moaned in between the kiss.

I push him on the couch and started kissing his neck leaving some marks on his neck which meant he was mine and mine only.

"Chen ahh please stop" he pleaded I looked up and saw tears in his face. It shocked me and I immediately stopped.

"Xiumin I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I" he cut me off by kissing me.

"Chen if we're going to do it then take me upstairs to your bed. I don't want my first time to be on the couch." With that My Mini-Me lost it and grew bigger. I grabbed him and started kissing him while I carried him up staires.

He wrapped his legs around my waist which gave me the ability to squeeze his ass.

We've got to my bed and continued from there.

(timeskip after the did the diad)
(sorry guys no smut yet)

We we're laying on my bed naked. We were cuddling and I felt in peace. This was the best sex I ever had and to think this innocence Baozi who was a virgin also I took both his first his first kiss and his first time.

"Xiumin?" He looked up at me with his innocent eyes.

"Yes Chen?" He asked concerned.

" Xiumin I know we just met but will you go out with me?" with that he started to cry.

"YES, Chen you don't even have to ask!" we made out for 5 minutes before parting.

"This had to be the best day in my life." he said as the most amazing smile showed up on his face.

"Haha now you don't have to pau for the icecream" i said i hugged him.

And with that we fell asleep.

(authors note)
Heyyy!! Heres another update.
Sorry its not that good. But i hope you enjoy.
Thanks foe those who keep voting on my story.
And thanks to @ Blob2001
You made my day i just had to update as soon as I saw your comment.

The Boy At The Flower Shop (Chanbaek)// (EDITING!!)Where stories live. Discover now