You jerk!

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As Vanessa walked out to follow Nick, she felt someone draw her back, she turned around to see Joe holding onto her arm, with a look of sympathy in his eyes. Vanessa turned her whole body to him to see what he wanted.

"Vanessa, can we talk?" Joe asked, he looked serious so Vanessa nodded her head. As Kevin, who was sitting alone with Ariana on the laptop, turned to ask vanessa what was up, she shrugged her shoulders. She followed Joe and he sat her down next to him on the staircases.

"Nick...Nick's a dick Vanessa." Joe began, Vanessa frowned and titled her head. She had figured it all out allready but she had no problem listening to other perspectives of the story. "What?" Vanessa played along, acting as if she was defending him. Joe sighed and looked at Vanessa in the eyes.

"That girl on video chat, conincedentaly was Nick's girlfriend. They're still together, and he was cheating on her with you. She loved him and he loved her, the only reason they're not with eachother right know is because she's in a different university then him. They were pretty serious and he was just being a selfish prick about things. I'm so sorry you were stuck in that Vanessa because you don't deserve that." Vanessa drew in a sharp breath as she looked down at the floor.


Nick walked out of the house and shut the door behind him. He sat on the porch and took in a deep breath as he attempted to process everything he had just saw. Demi. Demi. Demi. Her perfect pearly teeth flashing him, her big brown eyes that were radiating hapiness. Her delicate face looking a little more chubby since he had last seen her, but even more beautiful then she was before this way. Her wavy hair still falling past her shoulders. Nick burried his head into his hands as he knew he really messed up now. She knew, even though Nick saw her pretend he wasn't there, he knew she saw him. He knew she saw him with Vanessa.

"Fuck." Nick mumbled underneath his breath,

"Fuck, right." Nick turned his head to see Vanessa sitting there with her eyebrows raised and her face stern. He rolled his eyes mentally, Vanessa was so hooked on him that she would forgive him in a heartbeat. She wouldn't even care that he had used her. She wouldn't even be bothered. He didn't want to hear her say those things, because it'd only make him feel worse and also remind him of what a crappy decision he'd made picking Vanessa to get over Demi.

"Listen here, you little jackass." Vanessa almost screamed, Nick's eyes widened, she had really surpised him, could Nick have possibly read her all wrong? Had he misunderstood her? Was Vanessa really not as pathetic as he thought she was? Nick turned and gave her his full attention, he was suddenly curious about what she was going to say.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Yes, you're hot Nick, but you fucking suck. How dare you cheat on not only that beautiful girl on the video chat but also trick me into this? You didn't even know how I felt about you! That Demi girl was really fucking in Love with you Nick! You fucked up big time! How could you fuck me about like that? How could you fuck HER about like that?" Vanessa cursed and cursed and cursed trying to break through Nick's walls. Nick lifted one eyebrow, not caring even a little about what she was saying.

"Stop cursing." Vanessa widened her eyebrows, was that all he had heard while she was speaking to him?! Vanessa swung her hand back and then brought it forward, slapping Nick's cheek with all her power. Nick's head snapped to the right and his cheek turned red right away "ahh." Nick let out a small sound of pain and then he looked back at Vanessa. "You're such a dick Nick." Vanessa got up and walked away, feeling hurt. What was wrong with that boy? Nick held his cheek in pain. He didn't know why he was being so cruel and emotionless today, Vanessa deserved an explaination, he had treated her like a dick. As Vanessa took the first few steps away, everything seemed to go in slow motion. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back, making her look into his eyes. "I'm sorry." Nick's eyes began to flood over with tears and his pride couldn't hide it. Vanessa's intence glared softened as she sighed. She grabbed his head and pulled him into a hug. The things this boy made her do where ridiculos. She felt him shake in her shoulder and knew he was crying, was she a bit unfair to him? She didn't know much about the relationship he had with that Demi girl, but she knew it was pretty serious, because Nick was crying.


Demi was lying down on the bathroom, passed out. She had cut a lot and she couldn't take it anymore, so she just lay there. She wasn't hurting from the cuts, and there wasn't a lot of blood, but she felt dead. Staring at the cealing, she didn't move as she heard Ariana say goodbye to Joe on the laptop. Demi had been in here for about an hour, and Ariana would be curious as to where she had been. 10% of her wanted to get up and the rest of her wanted to stay there. 'knock, knock, knock!' the knocks sent Demi flying up and she turned on the taps cleaning the mess she made. So much for staying there.
"Yes?" Demi shouted back, as she quickly cleaned her wrists and the floor, a fast movement she had mastered over the years.
"How long have you been in there?! God Demi get out I need to pee!" Ariana screamed, Demi shut the taps and looked around, it was like she hadn't even been in here. it was spotless just as it was before she came in. Demi quickly put her wristbands back on before she opened the door and rolled her eyes. "gosh, I'm out!" Demi pushed past Ariana who stumbled into the bathroom and shut the door with a slam. Demi walked over to the laptop and looked at the messages.

Joe: Babe?
Ariana: yeah?
Joe: you should check on your roommate
Ariana: why?
Joe: well....the thing is, Demi and Nick were dating.
Arian: what?!
Joe: yeah. Nick cheated on her with Vanessa and She legit found out
Ariana: oh my god
Joe: yeah go check on her, we'll talkative okay honey?
Ariana: okay babe, bye
Joe: love you
Ariana: love you more:)

Demi shut the laptop. So she knew. Sighing, she prepared herself for the conversation they were going to have. she folded her legs together and smacked her lips until Vanessa came out.

"So you know.." Demi begun.
End of chapter! sorry for the delay, a lots been going on and it was exam week and ugh. anyway, I'm on break for a week now so hopefully I'll not only be publishing more lost heart chapters but also heartbreak! thank you for all the rates followers and comments:) they mean the world to me and I honestly mean that. love you guys! ✌️☺️😘

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