Prologue: The news

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*Taya's p.o.v.*

"Mom do I have to go to this stupid camp?" I ask after hearing the news. "Yes sweetie look at what this 'stupid' camp has done for your brother." My mom replies putting air quotation marks when she got to stupid.

"You mean getting him to have a girlfriend that's basically a witch?" I state. "She is not a witch!" I hear my brother yell from the living room.

"Really then why does she want to kill me every time she comes over?" I question him. "Why don't you ask her that." He replies before going back to his phone.

"Anyways I think going to this camp would be great for you, you've been cooped up inside all year to keep your marks up and it's summer vacation do you really want to spend it doing more work?" Mom tells me. "Yes I do." I say to her before sitting down to eat some lunch.

How'd we get to this conversation let's see... Well I was just walking downstairs after getting ready for the day when I heard my mother and father talking about sending me to a stupid camp called Camp Goodwill, which is where my twin brother Terrence went to last summer and found himself a girlfriend who hates my guts. And now tomorrow morning they plan on sending the two of us to camp along with his girlfriend and four other friends from his school called Silvercreek Academy of fine arts.

After I finish eating I go back up to my room and start packing clothes like shorts, sweats, shirts, sweaters, bathing suits, and more things that I'd need for two months before checking me phone and then turning on the small but big television in my room and flipping through the channels to find something good to watch, which never happens.

"TAYA DINNER!" Terrence yells from downstairs making me groan and get up, I decide to annoy them and walk really slowly down the stairs. Why we eat as a family and they annoyed me by putting me in a camp that's meant for artistically talented kids whether it's with music, art, writing, and whatever else.

"Well it's about time you got down." My brother grumbled when I finally arrived at the table twenty minutes later. "The house is big." I respond which isn't a lie it is big the last time we had people over they got lost as soon as they entered the door way.

"Whatever." He mumbles before eating the pizza from pizza hotline.

"Oh I forgot to tell you guys but you'll be on a bus for three hours to get too camp." Mom suddenly says making me groan even more. "Just my luck." I grumble before finishing up and putting my dishes away and going to the bathroom to shower.


After I have a quick (long) shower it's already ten at night I blow dry my medium length blonde hair and then brush it afterwards before going into my pyjamas which were shorts with cupcakes on them and a pink tank top with a panda on it. When I finish doing that I go grab a book to read turn off the main light, go to my bed and turn on my reading lamp before going into my bamboo pictured comforter and grabbing said book and start to read.


Hello Artists!

Once again I am back with a brand new series... Wait did I say series? Yes that's right I finally got ideas to write a complete series!

This series is going to be an interesting one I originally planned this to be taking place during next year high school but I couldn't wait that long so decided to do a little short story so that you the readers can learn about the characters a bit more before all the crazy high school drama hits.

And yes I know that this is short but this is just the prologue, I normally plan my chapters to be over 1000 words so expect more and longer chapters later on.

Anyways see you Artists on Thursday bye!

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