Highschool Experience

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Now y'all know this era in life lol... Rest in Heaven Aaliyah...

Me back then👇

I went to Andrew Jackson High and it was hell everyday now,my friends from Elementary (went to Korean Scott,Andrew Robinson & Richard L

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I went to Andrew Jackson High and it was hell everyday now,my friends from Elementary (went to Korean Scott,Andrew Robinson & Richard L. Brown)...

My first day was okay but then soon as I got in 9th grade my friends switches out on me and start to pick on me with the rest and well let's just say it didn't end well. Make the long story short I had a Nervous Breakdown and left school and never came back. I was 17 going 18 so soon or later I had to leave so whatever😕

(I'm going to skip "Loosing my Virginity phase lol...😉 FASTFORWARD to My Modeling Experience...)

Me...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt