Part4: Prison or Escape

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I then wake up from my unconscious state and still in human form I'm in this glass tube with all these doctors around me and they are all taking notes. And I try to free myself but of course there are more restraints. So I begin to struggle out but I can't get out and I feel like the walls in the tube are closing in on me I begin to panic and scream and I began to feel the symbiote begin to cover me again and I break free. I felt like I was having this terrible crushing fear that I was going to get captured again or die. And I begin to run and start accidentally pushing and using my powers to stop people from chasing me and then I begin to hear an alarm go off and there are guards with guns and I get scared and just start taking them out one by one then I see Spiderman and I just stop. Spiderman says,"Dilyan Stop! This isn't you I know you don't want to hurt anybody. I know your just scared, but you don't need to be scared anymore. I'm pretty sure we can work something out if you help me." " okay Spiderman I'll help you. What do you need help with?" I said. " I need your help to take the nightmares out of my team and j know you are wanting to be good again and not want to hurt people so I know your willing to do this. So are you in?" Spiderman said. "Yeah I'm in, but what's in it for me?" I said. Spiderman says," well if you don't help me they will probably lock you up again, but if you help me we can probably stop them from doing that to you." " okay I'm in that works for me." I said. I then find his team huddled in corners of this room terrified and I then take the nightmare away from them one by one and they all go back to normal. They all come to realization that I the person that made them have nightmares was standing right in front of them, so as you would think anyone of them would be pretty mad at the person that did that to them. So in my own head I'm thinking I should probably skeet out of here. Then I hear white tiger say," Spidey how could you let this monster come back in here to our home lets take it down I want to show it what a real nightmare is." Nova says," yeah what she said! Let's take her down!" And then they start coming after me. Spiderman stops them and says," wait guys don't! She is good now. She was the one that removed the nightmares you guys were having. And the only reason she did that was because she was under the control of doc Ock. So she didn't mean to do any of it." White tiger says," alright Spidey we believe you but I'm still pretty mad that she did that to us and I just don't really trust her but if you believe in her we got your back buddy and we will believe in her too." "Alright guys I'm glad we are on the same page. I want you guys to meet-" "hi my name is Nightmare and I'm really sorry what I did to you guys I absolutely did not mean too. I want to be good now but I know the rest of you guys don't trust me and I honestly don't trust myself with these powers and I don't want to hurt anyone else. So I plan to turn myself in and spend my days in prison because I deserve it from what I brought on to you guys, so I will see you guys later." I said. Spiderman says," wait aren't you going to tell us your true identity?" " no I don't feel comfortable handing that out. And If you knew who I truly was you wouldn't want to even be my friend anymore or even respect who I am as a person. So this is goodbye from both versions of me. I hope to see you guys soon." I said. Nick Fury then shows up and says," there she is. Get her! Stay where your at we are coming to get you now." Then I just stood there and they put high tec hand and ankle cuffs on me and took me to solitary in there hellicarrier ship. Nick fury then told me," this is a high tec prison for super people like you we will be doing some studying on you to see if you have truly changed and see if you are actually safe for the real world to handle. So we will be seeing each other soon." Then he left and I was just on there all by myself and I eventually went to sleep after that because that's all I could think of to even do. I then realized that this was probably going to be the rest of my life o wasn't ever going to finish high school or get to see my family or friends again, but little did I know was that something very important was going to happen and my life as I knew it was definitely going to have a major change again.

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