You Don't Understand

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Jet's POV


"So what have you been doing with your life since we last met?" Gerard wondered as we walked down the dimly lit tunnel, trying to make conversation to break the awkward tension that came with the fact I was a hostage and he was robbing the bank I was visiting.
It also might have been friendly curiosity.

"I don't know how to put it really. What would you want to hear about my life? I mean, except for today I've never had anything really eventful happen, no amazing holiday destinations or foreign lovers." Seeming to find more humor in my blathering than I did I could hear Gerard snort ahead of me and he smiled faintly as he looked over his shoulder.

"Did you grow up to become a vet like you wanted to?" He asked instead, an offbeat question that set me back since I didn't even expect him to remember the small dream I'd mentioned when we were kids.

Although I was allergic to horses and most birds I did always want to do vet work when I grew up. I loved animals as a kid and since Mom didn't want to overindulge me by getting me a dog or a cat until I was twelve I'd an obsession with them.

Eventually I'd ended up getting four fish in a pond, that was located outside.
And the biggest one ate the other three.

"No, I'm going to the local university though. I got a semi-scholarship too so that makes it a lot easier to pay off any student loans. Luckily it seems like I won't have to sell my wares on the streets." My own laughter that followed the awful joke seemed worse than anything anyone else could supply and Gee turned around to look at me. Walking backwards and talking at the same time like we used to when we were kids.

"You didn't mention what you're doing though," he said and I opened my mouth to explain I was training to be a doctor before he help up his hand to stop me. "No, I think I can guess this. Lawyer?" I could tell Gerard was making an attempt to make me feel better but I didn't appreciate that his first assumption was that I wanted to be a lawyer.

I shook my head, "I'm not a good enough liar to be a lawyer and even then, I hate yelling at people."

"Damn, well I was mainly hoping I'd have someone on my side if I went to jail. Um, psychologist? No that's not it, video game designer?" That one I must admit I laughed at, I was horrible at playing video games and even worse at making sense of them. The chances I could ever make one were so small it was just completely unrealistic.

"Nope, your three guesses are up. I'm training to be a doctor, it pays better than a vet anyway and I'm pretty sure that I get a free pass so I can accidentally kill a few people and still be allowed into heaven. It's kind of a package deal. That and you know, my parents wanted me to be a doctor." If there was one thing I knew above all else was that it was easier to horrify my parents than impress them.

Fortunately being a doctor was my easy road to permanently winning their approval.

Sure some of the stuff I had to do grossed me out, especially the whole section we ended up doing that involved working with cadavers but it could have been worse. If you were a doctor there were a lot of people you'd be able to help in an emergency and if I worked at the right hospital then I knew I'd get payed well.

"Is there something you're gonna specialize in?" Gerard asked as he turned back around, walking normally and spinning the glow stick around his fingers.

That was something I actually had to think about, I'd noticed lately the increasing line of people who wanted to hear me announce a particular field but I wasn't really sure I wanted to go with one.

It just seemed easier to be a G.P than someone who should be relied on for brain surgery and when it came down to I was still technically helping people.

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