I Think I'm Done

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Jet's POV


It almost felt like I couldn't breathe as I followed Gerard into the jewelry store, wringing my hands and nervously watching him attempt to deactivate the security system with gloved hands before it started wailing. Neither of us wanted to know what would happen if the police were to realize what was happening only a block down from the bank.

They'd be in here before we could so much as blink plus Gee had made it clear I'd be up on charges as well since I'd willingly helped him break and enter. What I was doing was almost as bad as what Pax was doing, granted Gerard had sworn I didn't have to do anything except help carry the bags which even still made me feel immeasurably guilty. I could only imagine what mom and dad would think of me now that I was helping a bank robber steal from a jewelry store.

"I'm gonna assume that you've got a lot of experience in deactivating alarm system too? What's the story behind that?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels as I watched him squint at the jumble of wires coming out of alarm system.

"I like to read, plus it kinda goes hand in hand with the whole lockpicking thing," he replied, sorting through the wires in his hands and hovering over them with a cutter. "It helps that Mikey works at a recording studio as well, he has a real knack for fixing guitar wiring and stuff so he showed me the ropes. I didn't mention at the time that I was doing it to break into places...but what he doesn't know won't hurt him." I could tell from he way Gee was acting that he felt guilty, enough that even though Mikey already knew what he was doing he still felt bad for lying.

"How did he get himself into all this drama with the money?" Trying to avoid staring at him for too long like a freak I occupied myself by looking around the room that was filled with a lot more cabinets than I would have expected and I wandered over to one as he began talking again.

"Long story short he is sixty percent dreamer and forty percent moron. He thinks that he can fix everything, that I'm gonna be some famous comic writer and he's gonna be in this band that tours the world." Gerard stopped for a moment and smiled to himself, the expression almost sad but I could tell there was still love in it. "He's crazy but he's all heart. The first time he got himself in debt it was because this aspiring model, right? She's all designer clothes and the latest this and that so he fucking worked his ass off to give her everything she wanted. Then they get engaged and she has this huge wedding planned but he can't afford it so he goes to some loan shark and gets fifty grand. A couple months later everything's booked, payed for, nearly all unrefundable and she leaves him at the aisle to run off with her agent to France or some shit and I'm left putting him back together and paying off the cash."

I'd opened the drawer with my sleeve covering my hand and out of boredom searched through the files but when I heard what Gerard had to say I felt almost overcome by disbelief. "Shit." I didn't have any other reply and Gee gave me another sad look and a shrug that said 'what can you do' before clipping the red wire and standing up.

"Well we should be good but we're gonna have to hurry." He pulled the phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. "I'd say we have maybe thirty minutes before people come back here and probably fifteen before Pax flips out so I'm gonna be quick." I nodded and he shoved his phone back into his pocket before unzipping the dufflebag and hitching it up on his shoulder. "Just maybe stay in here, I'm gonna have to sneak around because might be able to see me through the window so it's gonna make everything harder for you anyway. Um don't touch anything because your fingerprints will end up all over everything if you do. Okay?" I nodded again and tried to swallow down the knot in my throat. Just hearing him talk about robbing the place terrified me.

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