You Can Use My Friends But That Depends

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Jet's POV


If you were to have asked me this morning what I'd be doing by midday there is no chance on earth that I would have answered you by saying I would be sitting on the floor of a bank with twelve other people, who were hostages, eating crappy Mexican food that the police had sent in at the request of a robber.

Actually I was barely eating, my entire stomach felt like one huge knot and the mere thought of trying to get food down made me want to hurl and it only took a quick glance at Vera to prove she felt the same. Most of the time she could single-handedly eat a family sized pizza but when her anxiety got hold of her, anything that went in would come right back up seconds later.

I knew from experience that if she could just get to her pills she'd be fine, it'd calm her down and she'd be as rational and relaxed as she is normally but her things were in her locker at the back of the building and it's unlikely we'd be allowed to fetch the orange bottle. When I say 'we' I mean it, as long as I was near her she'd be gripping my arm and holding on as if letting go would equal her instant demise.
We were temporary Siamese twins.

At the moment there's just one good thing about this situations and that's the fact I haven't been asked to do anything else and I've been able to sit in the corner with my incredibly anxious friend who seems to have been able to repress her panic slightly. I know nothing truly good can come from this but I have to make the best of what I can even if it's the tiniest piece of hope or comfort.

As worry as I was for myself, like logic demanded, I was even more scared for Vee. We'd been in here for about an hour or two and the anxiety Vera had like a monkey on her back every second was weighing heavily on her mood and affecting her level of alertness. She'd drift in and out of her own head, paying attention to the quiet conversation we were having then slowly drifting off and staring at a wall.

I wanted to get her out of here, badly. I'd be able to think straight if I only had myself to worry about but my friend constantly needing help made it difficult and I struggled to make any self preserving decisions. It would have been so much easier if I was in here alone but then again I wouldn't be here at all if Vera didn't have a job greeting people. She'd be off doing something else and I'd be safe learning about the treatment of measles or some shit.

There's a small selfish voice in the back of my head that keeps reminding me that if I ignored her call and just went to college like I should have then everything would be fine but that'd mean Vee would be stuck in here by herself and she would have probably been shot already.

We've been friends for so long...the thought of getting a call from her parents...and hearing that Vera had been's terrifying and not something I ever want to hear as long as I live. It'd be like getting told my sister had died. That's why I feel so protective of her, she's like a little sister and I don't want her to get hurt when there's something I can do to keep her safe. Sure she's a bit loopy sometimes and has a habit of getting me into more trouble than I want to be in but at the same time she's like a kid.
The only thing that's changed about her since kindergarten is her appearance, her personality is basically the same.

It's a shame she needs her pills, I know if she were to stay as her usual goofy self I'd be much better and it'd be a lot easier for me to remain relaxed but her nerves are getting to me and making me worried. I have to get my hands on her medication and give it to her, for both our sakes.

If she snaps like I've seen her snap before, we could both get shot because what I've collected by watching Pax is that he may have a laid-back attitude but he's all business and wouldn't hesitate to aim one of the many guns he managed to get into the bank at one of the hostages.

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