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HAY, guys!
Sorry if this isn't such a good story. It is my first I'm publishing. There may be miner spelling mistakes because my home language is afrikaans, sorry.
Well here it goes , it is a bit boring in the beginning sorry about that.....hope you like it .....

Hope you enjoy the storie!!!!


There was a little girl called Cloe, she lived in the era where the eldery rode horeses and carriages everywhere they ought to go by. Cloe lived a missrable life and one day after school she got home , she was alone , her parents abandoned her.

She was only 9 years old , to young to go of into the world alone, especially where murders take place every second day and where little girls get taking to institututs for prostitution. She was alone, had nothing but the clothing on her skeleton body. Her long black hair swept across her face as a cold wind picked up ." A storms coming." She wispered to her self, and wrapped her coat thigter around her body, as a warm tear rolled down her cheek and fell on the moist ground her feet was busy crushing as she walked.

She felt alone, cut off from the world, as if nobody is seeing her standing there alone. She feels like the clown behind the curtain, the one nobody knows.

As she was walking down 7th eve on her way to the orphanage where she knew she would be save she was wondering about how she knew l this was going to happen but she didnt expect it this soon.....

Her parents fought constantly about her and her mother tried to protect her from her father wich always seemed to get angry with her mother , he became more aggressive lately. Started to beat her mother up. Until now, they moved away..... When Cloe got to the 6 foot tall, heavy door she rang the bell screwed onto the left door. It send a eco through the building and in seconds a eldery decend looking lady opend the door.


BOOK ONE :  Lonely Girl Where stories live. Discover now