There was a little girl called Cloe, she lived in the eera where the eldery rode horeses and carriages everywhere they ought to go by. One day after school she got home , she was alone , her parents abandoned her.
She was alone, had nothing but th...
"Yougetinfinitetypes. Eachoneperfectlywovenandcarvedfrom a person'ssubconsciousthoughts. Myorphanagemotheralwaysusedtosaythat if you dreamaboutsomethingitisfor a reason - nomatterhowpresosterousitmaysound, it'salwaysforareason." (THG)
"Mother!" Shehadyelledashermotherwalkedinto a room. Everythingseemedblurryandawfullycolourful. "Mother!" ShehadyelledoncemorebutitwasasifhermotherdidnothearnornoticedCloe'spresence. Itwaswarminsidethepassagehermotherhadentered.