The arrival and meeting

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It's finally my birthday! I'm finally 18! and it's... 5:30. What am I doing awake! Okay I don't have to be ready until 10. Maybe I'll just try and sleep again. I shut my eyes and before you know it... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

"Amber! Getup! Happy birthday!" I could hear my best friend saying as she stormed through my bedroom door.

"Our flight is in two hours and we have to be there 30 mins before.. So come on come on let's go!!"

Chels had bought me and her two tickets to America where we were going to travel for our gap year. It's the most exciting thing that's probably ever happened in my life. All I basically do is sit in my room on YouTube haha! I make myself laugh!

I got up grabbed my bag and we rushed to the car. I wasn't really tired anymore. I am just excited! Road trip with my bestie!

---skip to airport---

Walking through the air port I felt a hit on my shoulder.

"Um ouch!" I yelled " what was that for?"

"Look, 5 sexy boys, 12 o'clock." Chels said.

I looked toward where she mentioned and saw 5 boys messing around and hitting eachother waiting to get on the same plane as us.

One if them looked over and did that sexy nod guys do and went back to punching his mates.

Somehow they looked so familiar but I didn't think anything if it.

The lady over the speaker called the final call for our plane.

We got comfortable in our seats. Mine was right next to the window so I was happy.

Chels kept looking over her shoulder.

"What do you keep looking at?" I asked.

"Those boys are seated behind us" she answered.

I looked behind at the seats behind us and saw the boys. I defiantly recognised them now!

I slapped chels's arm.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled!

Everyone including the boys on the plane turned and looked at me.

I sunk into my chair hoping everyone would forget about it.

I knew exactly who the boys were now. I knew why they looked so familiar.


I felt a tap on my shoulder that broke my thoughts.

" hey" two boys said synchronise. One had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes. The other had dark brown wavy hair with gorgeous hazel eyes.

"H-Hey" I answered turning myself to see the boys better.

" I'm Connor"

"And I'm.."

"JC" I interrupted. "O2L Mondays and Thursdays"

The boys looked at eachother.

" so you know us?" Connor said.

"Of course" I answered.

" she watches you guys everyday" chels interrupted.

I slapped her arm.

"That's pretty cool" Jc said with a smile.

" pass your phone?" Connor said putting his hand out.

" why?" I asked reaching for my pocket.

" well we all have to hang out sometime soon don't we?" He said taking my phone.

I looked over and saw him adding his number into my phone then taking a selfie to put as his contact photo. He then passed the phone to Jc who did the same and handed my phone back.

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