The o2l house

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We got what we needed and left the hotel.

Chels had calmed down so much so finally we could laugh and joke around again!

We were in Connors car back to the house. His phone kept vibrating in the console of the car. I looked down to see what it was and they were all twitter notifications

"@connorfranta aw you are so cute"

" please marry me @connorfranta"

"Follow me please! @connorfranta"

"Can I pick a song?" I asked picking up his phone.

"Yeah of course" he answered. I unlocked his phone to see what everyone was tweeting back too.

" I think I'm inlove with a girl and she's beautiful"-connorfranta.

My heart stopped.

Was that about me? I turned to chels and point to my phone. She picked up hers and I messaged her...

"Look at Connors latest tweet!"

I saw her look at the message then log into twitter.

Her jaw dropped and mouth out words to me

"Is that about you?!?"

I shrugged and mouthed I dunno!

What if it was? What if he really likes me? That would be so amazing!

But what about Jc? My heart sank abit. What would I do. I like Jc aswell. Connor is so sweet and amazing , but Jc is sexy and exciting ad he can be really adorable too!

I messaged chels again

"Chels what do I do?"

"Wait a few days see who treats you better?" She replied.

I knew this was no going to turn out well! I could feel it. I could imagine everything falling apart.

And then again I could be wrong. Connor could be meaning someone else! I mean after all his only known me for about 3 days!

I feel like I'm over-think-

I got interrupted by Connor.

"Are you gonna get out or sit there all day?" He asked laughing.

I had been so caught up in thinking about consequences that I didn't realise we were already at the house. Chels had already run in to see Ricardo which made me giggle abit!

I grabbed my bags from the boot.

" here let me take them" he took my bags and I followed him into the house and into Jc's room.

"Why are we here?" I asked extremely confused.

"Jc offered for you to stay here, he said he would bunk with kian." Connor answered.

"Aw that was sweet of him" I said.

"Yeah sweet" Connor said shrugging and walking past me and out the door.

Jesus these boys are moody!

I walked out into the lounge room. Everyone was sitting around on the lounge playing xbox or ps3 or whatever game that is! Except for Ricardo and chels they were at the breakfast bar talking and laughing.

I sat on the lounge between Jc and Connor. I felt Jc touch my back and lean in.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" He whispered into my ear.

" yeah if course?" I said back. He got up and held out his hand to help me up. And pulled me toward his bedroom. I looked back and saw Connor staring our way.

Oh shit.

We got I to Jc's room and he shut the door. Uh oh

I turned to look at him walking toward me from the door. He grabbed my face with his amazingly soft hands and looked into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Amber. I was so rude to you yesterday! I shouldn't have done that to you!" He pulled me in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in closer. My head rested on his chest and I could hear his heart beating fast!

"You don't have to be" I said into his chest.

"Yes I do though!" He said pulling away from the hug.

The room went silent and we were just staring at each other. Before I knew it he had leaned in and our lips were touching. It felt amazing. But why is this happening? Wait. Why does it matter? Jc Caylen has me in his room and kissing me! This is my dream!

His hands led down my back and rested just above my butt. My arms were around his neck. We both walked backward in sync. And fell into the bed. We lauded next to each other. He was tracing shapes on the palm of my hand which tickles so much but it felt good. We talked for about 2 hours about just random shit. Until kian knocked on the door saying everyone was going out.

"Do you guys want to come?" He said poking his head in.

"You all go" I said with a smile. "I don't really want to leave my stuff alone for a while."

"I'll stay with you" Jc said.

"No. Go have fun!" I insisted but he wouldn't budge.

"Nup, I'll stay and keep you company" he said back.

" last chance" kian butted in.

Jc looked at kian.

"We are staying" he said with a laugh.

"Okie dokie" kian said as he walked back out the door..

We herd the door shut and from the outside we herd kian talk again.

"Did I just say okie dokie? What is wrong with me?"

We couldn't help it but me and Jc lost it! we both couldn't stop laughing for at least 10 minutes!

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