Chapter VII New Feelings

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I wake up and see Shannon on the floor. He looked so peaceful and honestly really cute. He had a blanket covering his body but his biceps were showing. I had never really noticed how fit he was until now. He shifted and I quickly looked away.

"Did I scare you" he says with a small smile

"Ya you kinda did" I say and I could tell I was blushing

"You hot" he asks noticing the color of my cheeks

"Ya a bit" I say blushing more

"Well would you like me to open the window" he asks getting up

I cover my face with the blanket and point at him laughing.

"What, oh shit sorry" he says

He only had his boxers on, but the part that was funny about it was that he had his hands on his hips like he was superman or something.

"All good now" he says

He had put some pants on and started opening the window.

"No it's ok" I say getting up and walking to the bathroom

I change into my bikini and take my hair down. When I open the door Shannon wasn't anywhere in the room I just shrugged and walked down stairs. I go outside and jump right into the pool, making a couple of laps around. I loved swimming, especially in this California heat. I came up out of the water and saw Shannon sitting in one of the pool side chairs just staring at me.

"Is something wrong" I ask

"Why do you always have to look so god damn gorgeous" he says with a small grin

"I...I umm...I don't know" I say blushing

I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around myself.

"I umm need to get changed" I say and head inside the house as quickly as I could

I got upstairs and locked the bedroom door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. Ever since the kiss every time I'm around Shannon I feel different. I feel all...I feel...I honesty have no idea how to explain it. I got butterflies in my stomach and most of the time I couldn't even speak. I kept thinking to myself how cute he was, how his hair just fell perfectly even if he didn't try, how his eyes were like a perfect milk chocolate color. All things I never thought about before the kiss. Yes I knew he was hot but I didn't really know know until after the kiss. It opened my eyes to new things, like the fact that I honestly kinda wanted a real relationship between us but, I was to scared to let him know that. I've always been a little insecure about my feelings, my looks, and my courage. Shannon tried to help me with it but here lately he had been the reason for my insecurity because honestly I don't feel good enough for him. He dated models which yes because of his help I am now a model but still.

"Katherine, you ok in there" I hear Shannon ask on the other side of the door

"Ya I'm just getting changed" I say

"Since when does it take you five minutes to get changed" he asks with a small laugh

"Since I uh, can't find anything to wear, because I don't know what we are doing today" I say

"Well nothing was planned that I know of, so just dress casual" he says

"Ok thanks Shannon" I say

"No problem" he says and I hear him walk away

I get dress in a pair of shorts, a white tank top with the California sky on it and a pair of sandals. I dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail then head downstairs.

"Where are Jared, Tomo, and Constance" I ask walking into the kitchen

"Oh they all went to the store" he says

"Oh ok" I say

"Coffee" he asks

"Um do you have sweet tea" I ask

"Sweet tea, are you crazy, at this hour of the morning" he says smiling

Every time he smiles at me I blush and I think he is starting to notice. He hands me a cup of tea and I thank him. I starting drinking the tea trying not to look at him at all.

"So what would you like to do today" he asks

"I have no idea" I say

"Well we can do anything, what's something you've always wanted to do" he says

"Um well I've always wanted to go to SeaWorld, I know it's childish but I don't know I've just always wanted to go" I say honestly I was afraid to tell him because it was so childish

"Really, SeaWorld" he says

I had already turned m back to him from embarrassment. I pretending to mess with something on the counter not looking at him at all.

"Yes" I say

"That's so fucking cool" he says

I turn around shocked

"Really" I ask

"Hell ya, come on let's go" he says

"Really, you're sure" I ask

"Hell ya come on it will be fun" he says

"And your sure you want to go and it's not to kiddish" I ask

"Hell no, I've honestly wanted to go there too I just haven't ever gone" he says

"Ok" I say smiling

"Oh hey go put your bathing suit on under your clothes that way we can go swimming afterwards" he says

"Ok" I say and go upstairs and put my bikini on under my tank top and shorts

(Just so you know it's a different bikini then before)

I head back down stairs and see Shannon he had changes too. He was in a white t-shirt and red swim shorts.

"You ready" he asks

"Yes, let's go" I says

We get in the car and we just sit there.

"I'm going to call my mom to let her know we are leaving so they don't freak out when they get back" he says and dials the number

I just nod

"Hey mom, Kit and I are going to go out for a bit, yes, yes, ok love you too, have fun and be safe" he says and hangs up

"Ready" I ask smiling

"Yup let's go" he says and we leave

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