Back to reality, kind of

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I wake up to my mom crying and holding my hand, she was talking to somebody; then she said amen. I think she was talking to God, but I've never talked to God so I don't know how that works. "Mom? Why are you crying?" I was looking at her when she looks up at me, but she doesn't answer she just asks me to wake up over and over.

"Baby please wake up, I need you here, I love you so much come back to me!" She was looking at me through all of the tears in her eyes, she tried to keep her voice calm, but it was really shaky. She was panicking, she was shaking and rocking back and forth breathing really shallow. Then he walked in the room...

"How's he doing?" It was my dad, he didn't have expression on his face as he sipped his coffee. 

"Get out you worthless piece of shit!!!" By then my mom was yelling and had jumped up as she screamed in his face. Nurses were running to my room trying to calm my mom down when my dad says...

"Well if I'm the piece of shit then why is he in a coma with you as the parent, looks like I might be a piece of shit person, but you are the piece of shit parent!" He had cracked a smile and my mom collapsed on the floor crying her eyes out. 


I'm in a coma?! When did I get in a coma?! How did I get here?! Why is my dad here?! What the fuck is going on?!

I stand up and turn around, I was laying in the hospital bed white as a ghost; I was breathing like normal but I couldn't move, talk, nothing. I was watching myself lay in a hospital and all I could do was stare, my human self could only breathe and couldn't do anything else. I started to ask my mom what to do about it all, then I realized I couldn't even talk to her because I was like a ghost. I walked to the waiting room where my dad just sat there drinking coffee holding some woman's hand that I had no idea who she was.

She was blonde, had green eyes, with a ton of makeup and some red lipstick. The tight light blue dress just hugged her body as she sat there holding my dad's hand. She wore gold high heels about 5 inches high with gold rings and a gold necklace, when she put her hair behind her ear I saw gold ear rings that just hung there. She looked nice, but I didn't think that anybody who stole someone's husband could ever be nice. 

I just walked past her trying to figure out what the hell happened to me, I couldn't give two fucks about what my dad was doing because I was worried about my mom. My mom was the one that accepted me for the person I really am, and not some fake kid who has to hide behind American Eagle and Hollister. I'll never be those teenage kids that just hide who they really are because they are scared of other people, scared of their image changing, and scared of the different opportunities that they will be given. I am different, I don't give up on trying to be myself, I don't give up on my mom; I'm not going to let this end with me dying from a goddamned coma. 

I ran down the hall to my mom who was still sitting there crying on the floor while the nurse went to get her some pain meds for her headache. I sat down next to her and started talking to her, I just rambled about anything that had anything to do with our lives.

"Mom, I will never give up on us, I will never give up on you, I'm going to make you proud of me. I know things seem pretty bad right now, but I will stick with you through anything and everything. I love you mommy to the moon and back again, you will always have me to help you push through the hard times that are here now and that will come later. I'm here mom, I'm not going anywhere." 

The next thing I know everything goes black...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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