Welcome to Whitefish Highschool

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I had just got my schedule from the office and I walked out of the glass doors that entered into the main hall that was full of people who were starring and whispering, apparently they didn't get a lot of new people around here. I was walking down the hall to the bathroom when I saw him... he has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, a beautiful smile that lights up the room, and a walk that tells you he knows he's gorgeous but is a little shy. I passed him and he smiled at me, then another came up behind him grabbing him and kissing him, he kind of blew it off and looked back at me. I just smiled and looked at the ground, I could feel my face blushing. I went into the bathroom and put cold water on my face when he came in...

"Hey I'm Alexandra, but everybody just calls me Alex," he put out his hand to shake, "where you from?"

I shook his hand and said in a shaky voice, "I'm Mika and I'm from Chicago." I pulled my sleeves down and I think he noticed, but before he could say anything one of his friends came in and said they were going to be late for class and that he needed to hurry the hell up. He gave me a disgusted look and waited for Alex to follow.

"I'll see you around I guess?" he said like he was asking me if I wanted to see him again. 

"Yea I guess I'll see you around." I looked down at the ground again and when I looked up he was gone, but I saw a glimpse of him and that girl. For some reason that hurt to see them together, but why should I care? I'm in control of him, hell I don't even know him.

I went to first period which was history, my most hated subject. When I walked in I introduced myself to the teacher and sat in the back, I was the first one there because I have no friends. People started piling in one by one, Alex was one of the last ones in and he sat next to me; his friends just looked him and then looked at me with a confused look, but they turned back around. 

The teacher said to pick partners to work on a history project on one of the presidents, I just sat there when Alex came over and asked to be partners. I stuttered and said, "I guess so, but don't you want to be with one of your friends?" He looked over at his friends...

"Yea, that's why I'm asking you. Oh by the way do you want to be friends?" He flashed that pearly white smile at me with his eyes sparkling, I couldn't resist the temptation.

"Um, yea sure." I cracked a smile and looked down while blushing. He went to tell the teacher that we were going to be partners when one of Alex's friends came over and bent over looking at me.

"You better not make a move on my homey you faggot," he gave me a mean look, "yea that's right I know who you are. You're that gay kid who tried to kill himself after your friend turned up dead. But with a friend like you I don't blame her for killing herself."

By then tears were streaming down my face and I was clawing at my arms trying to open up my cuts again. Alex came over and told that guy to leave me alone, he knelt beside me and asked what was wrong; everyone was staring at me. I was shaking and all I wanted was to escape the eyes that were starring at me, judging me. I got up and walked out, as soon as I got out of the classroom I hauled ass to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and bawled my eyes out, after a minute or two someone came in the bathroom.

"Mika? Are you ok? What happened?" It was Alex.

I tried to sound like I wasn't crying, but it didn't work. "I'm fine." I tried to dry my eyes and look presentable in case I needed to come out of the stall.

"Can you please come out?"

"Why? So you can make fun of me too?" I was getting heated and he could tell.

"No! I would never do that! I just am worried about you, you seem really upset and I want to help." He seemed genuine about it, but I didn't really trust him. 

"How can I trust you?" I tried to sound in charge and more authoritarian but I don't think it is working.

"You can't unless you come out and learn to trust me, all I want to do is help you Mika."

I started to unlock the stall and I peaked out of the stall, it was just him and nobody else. He smiled and motioned for me to come on out. I slowly got out of the stall, but I kept my distance and he knew that is what I was doing so I stayed back. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about." I pulled my sleeves down and looked down at the ground trying to make eye contact.

"Well if there's nothing to talk about now then maybe you'll have something to talk about tonight over pizza and video games?" He was basically asking me to do something with him tonight which I wasn't really comfortable with.

"I don't know if my mom will let me since we just moved here and everything." I knew she would let me but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"I'll talk to her, what's her number?" he pulled out his phone which mind you was an iPhone 7.

"I don't think I should tell you that." I was trying to avoid any confrontation with my mom about having friends and all that stuff.

"Well let me give you my number and you can ask your mom and then call me with an answer ok?" he waited for an answer.

"Your friends won't be there will they?" I really did not want to go there if they were going to be there.

"Not unless you want them to, but I'm guessing you don't want them there so that'll be a no." he smiled and held out his hand.

"What?" I asked really confused.

"Can I put my number in your phone?"

"Oh yea I guess so." I pulled out my little iPhone 4 I got years ago but couldn't afford a new one.

I handed him the phone, he put his number in there and called himself so that he had my number too in case I didn't call him. 

"Ok cool well we better get back to class," he opened the door and motioned for me to go first, "we can start on our project."

I walked out and he followed behind me and grabbed my hand and squeezed and let go before we got into class. 

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