The New guy

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Third Person POV

'Today a new guy was coming to 'babysit' HB, I think his name was John Myers, I don't think HB is going to like him' Alex thought with a slight chuckle, she was sitting in her room reading.

(That's her room⬇️⬇️ No windows though)

Alex loved her room, Professor Broom, or as she calls him, Uncle Broom, she was in Black Sweat pants and a white T-Shirt with some panda slippers, she was reading and listening to music Panic At the Disco, I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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Alex loved her room, Professor Broom, or as she calls him, Uncle Broom, she was in Black Sweat pants and a white T-Shirt with some panda slippers, she was reading and listening to music Panic At the Disco, I Write Sins Not Tragedies. A few minutes later there was a knock at her door, Alex used her power to open the door, "Alex, Mr. John Myers is here, come meet him." It was Uncle Broom, Alex went off her bed, "He's in Hellboy's room." "Thank you." She gave him a kiss on the cheek then walked to HB's room, the door was opened and went in, she seen HB and John talking, Clay serving food, she snuck behind John and sees he was staring at HB's head, HB smiled as he seen her, Alex whispered in John's ear, "Boo." John jumped, almost falling into HB but HB moved out of the way and laughed, Alex giggled, "Sorry but I just had too." John quickly turned around and his cheeks flushed, "I-it's fine." Alex held out her hand, "I'm Alex Sherman." "John Myers." All of the sudden the alarm went off, "Code Red, Warning Code Red!" "Hey hey hey, Their playing our song, come on John. Lets go fight some monsters." Alex waved to John then ran to her room, she got changed and put on her monster hunting outfit.

Alex got her weapons

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Alex got her weapons

Alex got her weapons

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