The Sewers

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Alex covered her head with a pillow "Five more minutes..." "Alex, please, it's a emergency." Alex heard Clay through the door, she slowly got off her bed and groaned, she opened the door, "What is it?" Clay looked at the ground, fearing her morning Glare "Your sister, she had another accident." Alex's eyes widened 'She was controlling her powers last time I seen her' Alex looked at the ground, "Alright, thank you." Clay nodded and left, Alex closed her door, "Damn Liz." She smiled softly than took a shower and got dressed, black jeans and a white T-shirt, leather jacket and her combat boots, Alex walked to Hellboy's room, she heard Broom and HB talking, "She belongs here." "That's not how she feels. She may never feel it, it's her choice." She walking in his room, seeing John was there too, "Uh, Professor, that girl your talking about," HB started to saw down his horns, John couldn't really talk but still tried, "Uh Professor, That girl your talking about!" HB stopped and pointed at John, "Hey Boy Scout, think twice, and hey Alex." "Sup." John jumped, still holding a plate filled with pancakes, Alex giggle at him, "Hello Alex." "Hi Uncle Broom, and hello John." "Hello Miss Sherman, and I was saying, I read her file." HB mumbled and got back to sawing down his horns, "Read her file." "She blamed herself for that explosion in Pittsburgh, look, I think I can help! I-I can talk to her! I think I can bring her back!" "Just what was it that landed you this job, pushing pancakes, huh?" Alex snickered, "What was it? Punctuality? The way you part your hair? What is your area of expertise?" John stepped back a tiny bit and looked down for a second before looking back up, "Alex, Hellboy, you to are leaving to go look for the eggs so get ready." Broom said looking at Alex, he knows she's still going, "Alright father." "Okay uncle broom." Broom walked out, John following behind after dropping off Hellboy's food, Alex stayed, "Red, you okay?" Alex pet one of the cats, "Yeah, how about you?" "I'm fine...Can you please let John try?" "Try what? To bring back Liz?" "Yep." "He's just going to make it worst." Alex gave him a look, Hellboy looked down, "Don't give me that look." Alex got closer and picked up a cat, "Please!!!" "No." Hellboy pet the cat and it purred, "Come on, just let him try." Alex gave him the puppy dog eyes, Hellboy sighed, "One chance! That's it." Alex put down the cat and hugged Hellboy, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Hellboy laughed and hugged her back, "Yeah, yeah, wait are you going with him?" "No, I think he can handle it, plus I'm going with you and Abe to the tunnels." "I almost forgot about that." "Yeah, oh and I'm taking this." Alex grabbed a pancake and ate it, HB shrugged, "Fine but I better be getting three Babe Ruth's after the egg hunt." "Deal." Alex and HB grinned, Alex took another pancake just because she could, HB stared to file his horns again, Alex walked out and back to her room, she grabbed all her weapons and looked at the sword from last night, she shrugged and walked back to Brooms library, she seen John about to leave, she stopped him, "Hey." "Oh, hello Miss Sherman." "Please call me Alex." "Alright." "I got Hellboy's blessing and he said you could try and bring Liz back." John smiled, "Okay, I'll go right now." Alex smiled back, "Ok and John?" "Yeah?" "You better bring back my sister." Alex hugged him and John slowly hugged back, "I will." Alex grinned and let go, "Good luck." "You too." With that they went left, Alex did a fist bump in the air.

(At the tunnels/Subway)

Alex, Abe, Hellboy, Clay and a few agents were in abandon subway, Abe was in front of everyone, Alex was behind Hellboy, "Over here." They followed Abe, "You said those eggs need a dark and humid? Well they hit the jackpot." "Yeah." "The subway lines, they all converge around here. Right below us is the old vandeveer reservoir. It was abandoned in the mid- '30's." Alex thought to herself, 'I didn't know this was a field trip, I should have made sandwiches' Abe stopped, "There's a pulse. There, A Cistern on the other side. Most of the eggs are there." Alex and HB walked up to the wall, "There's no way in. We should go back and request, special permit type two-" HB interrupted Clay, "Lady's first." Alex grinned, "Why thank you my good sir." She turned the wall into ice, She backed up, "It's all yours." HB started to punch out the wall, soon it was completely destroyed, "You guys coming or what?" Alex snickered and walked in, she looked around, she heard Abe talk, "We lead a charmed life." "Hm." Alex walked back over, HB dropped two glow sticks down in the waterhole, Abe took off his suit, HB held out a necklace, "Here you are Doctor. This should cover your tail fin, Reliquary, straight from the Vatican, a bone from ST Dionysius. Looks like a...Pinky!" HB grinned, Alex chuckled, "Remind me why I keep doing this." "Rotten eggs and the safety of mankind." "Ah!" Abe turned on his locater, Alex wished him a "Good luck." And Abe jumped in the water, Alex looked around some more, she pulled out her guns, Clay started to mess around with his hair. "This really doesn't look like dolls hair, be honest Red, Alex, what do you think?" "I'm thinking about doing it myself." Alex giggled, "You look fine Clay." "Hey you guys find anything?" "No eggs yet Red." "What are you on your lunch break?" Hellboy through some more glow sticks, Alex looked over and seen a man who was ticking in front of Hellboy, she and Hellboy ran after the man, Clay behind them, "Red and Alex are on the move! I'll cover them!" Alex and Hellboy were running faster than Clay so Clay fell behind and got lost, Hellboy ran a little faster and soon enough Alex got lost as well. "Well shit." She looked around, guns still in hands. She backed up until she heard ticking, she felt like she was in a horror movie, she turned around and seen the Man, she shot at him and he pulled out a sword and blocked it, Alex looked at his sword and remembered the one next to her bed, "So that was yours, good weapon choice." He tilted his head, Alex began to shoot at him again, he blocked some but got hit with a few bullets, Alex seen sand come from the wound, "Oh, I'm screwed." The man ran at her, Alex back up but slipped, she fell down and grabbed the Ticking man as well. They both fell to the ground, The man was on top of Alex, her face heated up a little, the man looked down at her and moved closer, Alex's nose was touching his mask, Clay came around the corner and seen Alex and the ticking man, "Alex?" "Don't ask." She pushed the man off her and picked up her guns, she and Clay pointed their guns at the man as he slowly got up, he made some kind of noise and ran at Clay with his swords in his hands, Alex backed up and Clay tried to shoot the man but got stabbed, right then A signal went off for Abe, Hellboy's voice was talking, "Guys, I'm getting a signal from Abe, I'm on my way." Alex stopped moving and started to cry, "CLAY!" The ticking man quickly stabbed Clay, Alex ran over, The man let Clay fall to the ground, Ice started to cover the floor and walls, Alex kneeled down next to Clay, she went to heal him but the ticking man laid behind her, he put his sword next to her and twisted something in his chest. It looked like he was freaking out, Alex heard he stopped ticking and moving, she didn't care, she was to busy trying to help Clay, Hellboy walked out from the corner, "ALEX!" He almost slipped on the ice, he kneeled down to her and Clay, he checked for a pulse, "Man down, I need a ambulance right now!" Alex called for a ambulance, "Quarry, Moss?!" Alex leaned back and leaned on the 'Dead' ticking man, wiping her tears, and calming down, the ice started to disappear and she was healing Clay, Alone With Hellboy.....

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