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*Few days later*

Kroenen was watching a movie with Alex, they had found a way to help Kroenen get his voice back and Alex helped heal the rest of the scars, "I don't understand, why is that mermaid singing?" Alex laughed, "Because it's a Disney movie and everyone sings." "I still don't understand." Alex leaned on Kroenen's shoulder and smiled, "I'll explain later." "Alright...." There was a knock on Alex's door, Alex opened it and was greeted by Hellboy, Liz, and Abe. "Um, sup guys?" Liz spoke first, "Hey, we need to borrow Kroenen real quick." Kroenen jumped off the bed, "Okay?" Alex went out of her room, she went to go get some cookies. Abe closed the door and they all turned to Kroenen, he felt like he was a little boy who was caught stealing candy from a candy store. "W-what did you want to talk about?" Hellboy grabbed him and pinned him into a wall, making a small dent, "Let's get one thing clear, you hurt Alex, we kill you, got it?" Kroenen nodded, Hellboy let go and Liz came up to him. She brought up a hand, it bursted into Blue flame, "If you even make her frown, I'll make sure to burn you alive and throw you into lava." Liz was over to Hellboy, Abe looked at Kroenen, "I think Liz and Hellboy have said everything though, if You even think about hurting her, I'll make sure you have a slow death." They all opened the door. All of them did the 'I'm watching you' sign to Kroenen, he shuddered, Alex walked in with a plate of cookies, "Hello, you alright? You look scared." "I-It's nothing..." Alex looked unconvinced but shrugged it off, "Let's watch another movie!" She sat down on her bed, Kroenen came up and put his arms around her. "Your family is terrifying..." Alex started to laugh, "Yeah but they are awesome." She put on Cinderella and Kroenen started to ask even more questions than the last movie, "Why are there mice running around?! Since when can Mice talk?! And why are their voices so squeaky?" Alex face palmed and laughed, "IT'S DISNEY MOVIE!! EVERYONE SINGS, ANIMALS TALK AND THEY ARE ALL ADORABLE!" Kroenen laughed this time, "Well I think your the most adorablest one of them all~!" ".....You've watched Snow White?" Kroenen sighed, "Yep." Alex laughed and hugged Kroenen, she kissed him and before you ask, yes, Kroenen doesn't wear his mask that much. "I love you." "I love you too." Kroenen kissed her soon she pinned him to her bed and smirked, she leaned down but her door was slammed open and Manning walked in, "THERE SHALL BE NONE OF THAT!" Alex fell and Kroenen fell next to her, Alex face-palmed, "MANNING!! GET OUT!" "NO FUNNY BUSINESS!" "WEL IM NOT A COMEDIAN SO THERE ISN'T GOING TO BE ANY FUNNY BUSINESS!" Manning huffed, "I'm coming back later and the door better not be locked!" Manning left, Alex turned to Kroenen and started to laugh, "That scared the shit out of me." Kroenen started to laugh as well. "I said it once, I'll say it again! Your family is Terrifying!" That made Alex laugh even more. She got up with the help of Kroenen, they fell on her bed again  and this time, she made sure to lock her door. "Now where were we~?" Alex purred and Kroenen smirked, "Right here." He grabbed her waist and pulled her down into the bed. Now let's just say they had a fun night, Manning also tried to open the door soon after but that didn't go to well and he was met with a blade sticking threw the door and EVER close to his head, he screamed and ran away, hearing laughter as he ran.

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