Keeping the faith

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When Clay woke up, he called the local doctor for a house visit. Before he arrived, I tried to explain to Clay that I'm fine, but he didn't listen. I went to go pee and fix my hair, because it looked like I literally got into a fight. I brushed my teeth and went to lay back down. "You alright? You look really pale." He came over to my side and squated down. "I'm fine, but I'm really tired and my head hurts." He felt my forehead and furrowed his eyebrows. "You're burning up, baby. Doctor Lopez should be here soon." I nodded and sighed. He half smiled and kissed me. "I love you, Ann. You're gonna be okay." The doorbell rang and he went to open it. I heard some talking and footsteps approaching the room. "Good morning, Ms. Monroe." I sat up to shake his hand and he sat his bag on bed. He checked my eyes, throat, ears, and temperature. "104.2 degrees. How are you feeling? Hungry, tired, and ill?" I nodded my head and fidgeted around. I had another urge to throw up. "What's wrong, honey? You look like you're about to-" I threw up in the trash bin and groaned. Doctor Lopez stood back and nodded. "Here." He handed me a pregnancy test box and I looked at him like he was crazy. "I'm not pregnant." "Denial. That's usually one of the first signs of pregnancy." I pulled the blanket back and stood up. "I don't have to pee. When I get the urge, I'll take it and call you. Okay?" He nodded as he put his equipment up. He shook our hands and walked out. "Have a good day! I hope you feel better, Ana." We heard the front door close and then we looked at each other. "I'm not pregnant, Clay. There's no way." He shrugged his shoulders slowly and dropped his arms. "You know condoms aren't even existing in our sex life. There's a possibility." I closed my eyes and rested my head on the headboard. "I don't need this. I already have one year old twins to worry about." "We have one year old twins to worry about. I already told you we're in this together. You're not alone anymore. I love you." He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight. "I love you too, Clay."


So, It's been about four hours since the doctor left and I still don't have the urge to pee. It's frustrating, because I want to know! I made the bed, put our shoes in the closet, and closed the balcony door. I took the trashbag out of the trash bin and took it outside. While I was outside, I sat on the lounge chair by the pool and thought about being pregnant again. Clay is great with children, but I don't want to be known as a slut. I know Blake was my husband, but I know how people are when it comes to stuff like this. Having twins with Blake Griffin, a ladies man, and then having a baby with Clay Matthews, another ladies man. It's just weird. But, I love Clay and I'm definitely gonna marry him. I started to cry, because I'm just so frustrated. I wiped my tears away and walked back into the house to go see if we're expecting. I just hope I'm not pregnant.

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