Back Home!

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After spending a couple a weeks away from the twins, we decided to go back to Greenbay! We've decided to continue our honeymoon after I have the baby. I'm so excited to get back to them! I'm also getting pretty big. It's kind of overwhelming. "Are you okay, baby?" Clay rubbed his thumb on my hand softly, kissing my cheek. I nodded and rested my head back on his shoulder. "You've been quiet since we left Milan. You can't fool me. You just miss the twins." I smirked and sighed. "You got me! I miss our babies." He smiled and looked down at his phone. "Look here. Emma and Jason supporting their daddy." I squealed and squeezed his hand. "They look so cute! Oh my gosh!" The pilot told us that we were approaching Greenbay and we should land in 10 minutes. I smiled so hard, my cheeks got sore. "I've never been so excited to get back to cold and bipolar Greenbay, Wisconsin!" He laughed and squeezed my hand in return. "What do you want to do once we get home?" "Since it's going on 9:30, we should just stay in today." "What about a date with the kids? We can stay in and eat." I smiled and nodded at his idea. "That sounds perfect! I missed those angels!"


We arrived at the airport and I rushed to the car waiting for us, eager to get home. "Babe, you're forgetting something." Clay approached the car and laughed. "Oh, yeah. Seat belt! Duh. Pregnancy brain." He laughed even harder and lifted up my suitcase. I shooed him off and he put them in the trunk while laughing with me. "I guess you're eager to get home!" "Jack!!!" I reached up and hugged our driver from behind. "How was the honeymoon?" "It was perfect!! How's the wife?" He shrugged and sighed. "We're separated. It's hard to explain." I nodded and sat back. "You don't have to explain yourself. I understand." Clay put on his seatbelt and pulled me closer. "Are we ready?" We said yes and pulled off, heading back home!


We arrived home and saw a big sign in front of the gate. "Welcome home, Mr. & Mrs. Clay Matthews!!" I sighed happily and clapped excitedly. "We're finally home!!!" I jumped out and once the door opened, the twins ran out and grabbed my legs. "Hi, my babies!" I kneeled down and kissed them. Jason started crying once he placed his hands on my face. I picked him and started crying with him. "Don't cry, baby boy! Mommy's home!" I kissed the side of his head and tried to put him down, but that wasn't happening. I giggled and walked into the house with Jason on my hip and Emma on Clay's hip. "I hope you two had fun. Now, it's back to Mommy/Daddy duty." I looked up at Aaron and smirked. "I missed you. How were they?" I hugged him and sat on the couch. "They were excellent. I want to have babies now." I laughed and kissed Jason's hair. "What happened with Britney?" "She cheated on me with Matt Stafford." I gasped and sat back feeling super surprised. "No way! Aaron, are you okay?" He shrugged and nodded. "These kids got me through it." I smiled at him and he returned it. "I'm gonna go lay down. I'm pretty jet lagged. But, thank you so much. I love you." He hugged me and kissed the side of my face. Once I heard the front doors close, I stood up and went upstairs to join Clay and Emma. "Babe? Where are you?" He called out where he was and I walked into the twins' bedroom and saw him rocking her In the rocking chair. It was the cutest thing in the world. I laid a very sleepy Jason down and Clay did the same thing before meeting me in our bedroom. "That honeymoon was incredible, baby! Thank you!" I kissed Clay and started getting undressed. "Are you sleepy?" I nodded and sighed deeply, crawling into bed. "You know, I'm the luckiest man in the world. I have the most beautiful woman in the world and the most beautiful kids In the world. I'm ready for our next one to get here." He kissed me softly and laid back. "Get some rest, baby. I'll take you guys out tomorrow. I love you, Ana." He said the last part really soft and kissed me again. "I love you more, Clay." I nuzzled my nose into his neck and kissed it, making him squirm.

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