Chapter 3

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Alden tried to hide his excitement as he walked with his mom towards the neighbor's house. In their short walk across the street his mom has been giving him a brief story of the Mendoza Family.

It turned out that their daughter Maine had a rare heart condition that prevented her from doing strenuous activity. Even too much emotion was not good for her. She could neither be too happy or too sad or too angry because the strain would be bad for her. Because of it, she couldn't go to school and she didn't have any friends growing up. He also found out that she didn't sit on her wheelchair all the time. It was only during those moments when she strained herself too much that she needed the oxygen.

The family also moved from Bulacan to Laguna at the suggestion of her doctor. Change in environment might help improve Maine's condition.

Alden was just happy that they moved there. It was getting a bit boring with him being the only teenager in their neighborhood. A lot of their neighbors were already fresh out of college or toddlers. He had friends in school but when he gets home he only had his mom to talk to. If only...

He pushed that thought away and remembered the here and now. He'll be seeing Maine. A new friend. Someone he can talk to in a place where you were either too young or too old. He hoped she'll like him and accept his friendship. But also he needed to remind himself that she was sick and too much strain would be bad for her.

They've finally reached the Mendoza's front gate and his mom rang the doorbell. A girl in a nurse scrubs opened the gate for them. She was probably Maine's nurse. She let them in and as they were about to come near the front door, it opened and the girl he had been wanting to see emerged.

Maine was the one who opened the door and was holding it open for him and his mom. She looked flushed and out of breath which immediately worried him. But she was standing and out of her wheelchair so she must be fine, right? The initial shock of seeing them was replaced with genuine happiness as she gave a bright smile that could melt the coldest heart.

"Mrs. Faulkerson, hi!" She greeted as she looked at Alden's mom.

"Hi Maine!" Rio replied. "Please call me Tita Rio."

Maine smiled again and answered, "I'm sorry. Tita Rio it is."

"Maine," Rio continued as she gestured for Alden to move forward. "I would like you to meet my son, Alden."

"Hi!" Alden greeted from behind his mom. He could just smile as he was holding the two bags where his mother placed all the food.

Maine smiled back shyly and replied, "Nice to finally meet you. Do you need help in carrying those?"

"I'm good," he answered as he shook his head.

"Your glasses are falling," Maine observed and without thought she reached out and pushed the glasses back to the ridge of his nose.

Alden wrinkled his nose a bit and smiled.

"Thanks," he added as another form appeared at the door.

Maine's mother stood beside her daughter. She was a pleasant looking young woman who resembled her daughter.

"Maine," she said. "You should have let our guests in. We can continue with the conversation inside. The bags must be heavy. Hi Rio! Is that your son? Such a handsome young man!"

"Mary Anne!" Rio replied as they followed their host inside the house. "This is my son, Alden."

"Good evening, ma'am," Alden greeted with a smile as he was led to their kitchen.

"He's such a polite boy too!" Mrs. Mendoza said to his mom. She looked at Alden and continued, "please, Alden. Call me Tita Mary Anne." She added with a laugh.

Alden just smiled in response.

They were led inside the house. Alden observed that the place still needed a lot of work. Boxes were still piled up in what looked to be their living room. Their sofa and arm chairs still had plastic wrappings on them. The kitchen was scarce with utensils and cooking equipment. Only their dining room seemed to be somewhat in order as Alden was asked to put the bags on the dining table.

"Mom," Maine called as Alden started to bring out the containers of food from the bag. "Can I bring Alden up to my room?"

"Wait...What?" Alden exclaimed as he looked at Maine with a shocked expression.

Maine ignored his outburst and continued, "I wanted to show him my books. Besides, I'm sure you and tita Rio would like to chat without us hanging around."

Mary Anne looked at her daughter's pleading eyes and sighed. She knew that Maine was desperate for a friend and Alden seemed to be a nice boy. She finally relented and nodded.

Maine beamed when she got her approval. Without thought, she reached out and grabbed Alden's wrist almost dragging him away from the dining table. Alden stumbled but caught his balance as he turned back to hear Maine's mom called out, "please don't over-exert yourself, Sweetheart."

"I won't," she answered. "I promise."

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