Chapter 55

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The loud knocking on the door was what woke Richard up the next day. He checked his phone and saw that it was only 3am. He checked on Maine who was sleeping right beside him and saw that she was still fast asleep. He smiled at seeing her sleeping form on his bed. It felt right.

The loud knocking continued as Richard sighed and headed towards the door, still trying to wake himself up. When he opened it, he found a very flustered Martin in a bathrobe.

"Jase," Martin cried. "Maine's missing."

Richard brows furrowed and he suddenly looked back behind him. He then turned back to Martin and said without thinking, "no, she's not."

The loud gasp from the older man made him realized what he just said and done.

"RICHARD JASON FAULKERSON WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" Martin exclaimed a little too loudly.

"Shh..." Richard said as he closed the door behind him. "Jeez, Martin. Are you planning to wake up the whole floor?"

"You were together the whole night?" Martin asked in a loud whisper.

"Nothing happened, okay?" He replied. "We just talked and when she got tired, I just let her sleep here. Ardee wasn't answering her phone. And you didn't reply to my text either."

"My phone died," he explained. Richard shook his head and muttered something about his own buddy not caring about his welfare, which earned him a whack on his shoulder by the older man.

"So, nothing happened?" Martin said but his face looked disappointed, like he didn't like the answer he got. "You were together the whole night and nothing happened? You didn't even kiss?"


"Richard Jason," Martin sighed in dismay. "This is not the time to be a gentleman. I give you full permission to slip up!"

"Excuse me...what?" Clearly it was the sleep talking. He knew he didn't hear that right.

Martin sighed and shook his head. He forced Richard to turn around and pushed him back inside his room. He could be a big scary gay man if he needed to be, being that Richard was only taller than him by an inch.

"There's a beautiful, amazing girl sleeping on your bed," he stated. "Go do something naughty with her!"

"At three in the morning?"

"No time like the present."

Richard stopped himself from being pushed back in his room by holding on to the door frame. He turned and said, "while you're here. I just wanted to tell you that Maine and I will be gone the whole day today. You might just see us later this evening."

"You're staying in your room the whole day?" Martin perked up at the prospect.

Richard shook his head and replied, "no. I'm taking Maine to Rome. We rarely get assigned there anyway. So I'm taking this opportunity to bring her there, see the sights."

"Fine," he said. "Just don't go off and marry at the Vatican. I want to be Maine's Maid of Honor at your wedding. Here. Ardee gave me the key to their room so just give this to Maine later when both of you are awake."

Richard just shook his head and smiled. Taking the key from Martin, he muttered, "good night, Martin." Before he closed the door and went back to bed.

Maine was still asleep when he got back and he slowly crept back under the covers. There was a pillow in between them but Maine was cuddling it, her arms and legs were splayed over taking more room on his side than hers. He turned to his side facing her and carefully reached out to brush the hair that fell on her face. Maine felt it and opened her eyes a bit.

"It's still early," Richard whispered. "Go back to sleep."

Maine smiled and closed her eyes once more. She sighed and said softly, "My RJ..." She reached out and took his hand and held it to her chest near her heart, before going back into a deep sleep.

Richard smiled upon hearing it, a shadow of his dimple showing. There was a kind of possessiveness to her voice when she said "My RJ".

"Yes," he whispered. "Yours. Always has. Always will be."

Soon he also drifted back to sleep, a smile still etched on his face, their hands intertwined.

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