Chapter 100

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They arrived in Paris on the 23rd of November. On their first day there, the couple joined the rest of their team in visiting the Arc de Triomphe and walking along Champ-Elysees checking out the different shops along that avenue. As usual, they were a step or two behind the rest of the team as Richard kept a slow pace for Maine. He kept hold of her hand, their fingers intertwined as they stopped by some shops.

Richard and Maine were mostly inseparable, but there were times that Maine was dragged away by some of the girls when they check out some of the clothing shops along Champ-Elysees. Those were the moments Martin was able to pull Richard aside to finalize the surprise the latter has for Maine the next day.

"I was able to get your old room, Jase," Martin said softly while he took side glances from their other companions who stayed out of the boutique the women entered. "I'll be there in the morning to help set everything up. Just make sure you talk to the receptionist first when you get there, before you go up so that your dinner would be served hot. What time will you guys be there?"

"Around 7pm," replied Richard. "We'd be coming from the Eiffel Tower that time."

"I'll be out of there before then," assured Martin.

"Thanks for this Martin," Richard said. "This means a lot."

"It's the least I can do after Puerto," he replied slowly. "I still feel so bad about that night."

"Forget it, Martin," said Richard. "Don't dwell on it."

The girls returned and they've resumed their walk on the avenue. They had dinner at one of the shops there before they head back to their hotel.


On the morning of the 24th, Richard woke up much earlier that day, making sure that he didn't wake Maine up as he set up a simple breakfast for her in their room. When he was satisfied with the set up, he prepared himself for the day and quietly left the room to make sure that everything that he had prepared for that day was fine.

He was talking to the receptionist at the front desk when Adam's team arrived at the hotel.

"You guys look a little worse for wear," Richard observed as Ardee and Adam met him by the front desk. He checked his watch and added, "you're not delayed. So why the harassed look?"

"We experienced some turbulence when we were about to land," Adam explained, as he leaned his head on Ardee's shoulder, his forehead touching the shoulder-blade. Richard noticed this but kept silent, Ardee was eyeing him with caution. Adam continued, "I was fighting the plane during the landing sequence. Needless to say, we had a bit of a rough landing. It doesn't help that I have useless co-pilots."

Adam took a glance at his two co-pilots who were flirting with two FAs. He grimaced and placed his head on Ardee's shoulder once more. She just leaned her head towards his as a sign of comfort.

"Don't worry, Adam," assured Richard. "Once this experiment's done, you can request for a replacement. I had two first officers before Jerald and I teamed up again. We're halfway there. Just three more months. Hang in there."

"That's something to look forward to, then," replied Adam.

Their conversation continued when Martin arrived, giddy with excitement.

"I'm already heading for de l'Europe," he said after he greeted the small group. "I'll text you once everything is set-up."

"Oooh!" Ardee exclaimed. "I almost forgot! Happy six months to you and Maine! Where is she anyway?"

"I let her sleep in," he replied shyly. "I'm still finalizing our day out anyway. She doesn't need to be here yet."

"Does she know of your plans today, Jase?" Martin asked.

"Only the places where we will be going today," he replied. "Dinner at de l'Europe is a surprise."

"Then," said Martin. "I'd better head out before someone wonders where I've gone."

"Did you bring it, Martin?"

"Of course!"

"Don't forget the guitar."

"Stop worrying, Faulkerson! I have a checklist. See you tomorrow!" Martin said with a wink and a wave as he exited the hotel with a flair.

The three of them returned to what they were doing, with Ardee and Adam checking in their team while Richard was being assisted by another staff with the Paris tour that he booked previously. The three of them kept up the conversation, giving each other updates about the flights and crew. When Adam excused himself to give the keys to some of his team, Richard finally asked, "so when did the two of you started dating?"

"I knew you would notice," Ardee sighed as a blush started to form on her face. "A little over a month. But we're not exclusive."

"Not exclusive?" He asked. "Seriously? You guys cling to each other like Je and Val. I wonder how you guys will be when you actually become exclusive?"

"Funny how you don't use yourself and Maine as an example," she replied with a smile. "But honestly, Jase. How do you and Maine do it? It's not easy keeping the professionalism when you're dating a co-worker. Now I know how Jerald and Valeen feel. I feel like I'm drawn to Adam all the time."

"Don't give us that much credit, Ards," he replied with a smile. "It really helped that we're neighbors. We see each other everyday. It's rare that we have individual plans when we're back home. It also helps that our parents are close. They plan family dinners and outings a lot."

"I so envy your set-up," Ardee remarked with another sigh.

"It is ideal," he said. "But living with your parents also has its drawbacks."

Ardee smirked and teased, "hmm...I wonder what that is?"

They both laughed but immediately stopped when two FAs from Ardee's team approached them. Ardee scowled as both women squeezed themselves between the two friends.

"Is there anything wrong, ladies?" Ardee asked but they ignored her.

Instead, one of them who was closer to Richard went nearer to him, which made him take a step back. She did a hair flip, then batted her eyelashes and said, "Hi Jase! I want you to meet Linette. I had wondered if you've lost my number. You never did call me back."

While he wondered why he was being introduced to Linette, Richard heard Ardee stifle a laugh by disguising it as a cough. He took a glance at her who rolled her eyes and discreetly shook her head. He then turned back to the girls and politely smiled.

"Giselle, right?" He replied awkwardly. "Was I suppose to call you? Do you need some clarifications when you were on my flight team? You should have gotten in touch with Martin since I don't handle the FAs."

Giselle was a little taken aback but composed herself and giggled. She said, "you are such a joker, Jase. We used to date!"

Richard's eyebrows furrowed and remarked, "you must have mistaken me with someone else then. I never dated. Dinners yeah, but a date? I've only just started recently. Seven months ago to be exact and you weren't my date back then."

He heard Ardee chuckled at his statement which made Giselle turn and glared at her. Her friend, Linette was already tugging her so they could leave but she was relentless. She put a smile back on her face and said, "well, it was in the past. But we were wondering if you would like to join us in touring the city today?"

"Sorry," he said with a visible frown on his face. "But I have plans for today?"

"Are you sure that can't be resched?" Giselle said sultrily as she attempted to reach out and touch the hand that was resting on the counter.

Richard jerked his hand away before she could reach it, at the same time he felt the all too familiar sensation at the back of his neck. He turned in time to see Maine approaching them, his jacket draped on her arms that was folded neatly in front of her chest. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

"Sorry," he said again but his attention was no longer with them. "But today is exclusively for my girl."

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