Chapter 63

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Richard arrived at Alden's gravesite with his guitar slung on his back, a blanket tucked in one arm, and his lunch that Rio made for him on the other hand.

The tree that stood on Alden's gravesite proved to be a great provider of shade on all hours of the day. Richard was planning on staying the whole afternoon, looking around he was happy to see that he was alone in their area.

"Hey Rich!" He greeted as he got himself comfortable on the grassy cemetery grounds. He laid the blanket down and placed his guitar on it. He fished out his notebook and a thick black book from the bag his mother placed his food in.

"Mom made us lunch," he said as he sat down on the blanket after he arranged everything to his liking. "She made her special pasta dish. So yes, there's the garlic bread that we love so much. She's actually improved with the packing. I'm only bringing food fit for 5 people. Between me and you, I think we could finish this up."

He then took the book and held the title in front of the tombstone. "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer can clearly be seen on the cover.

"Maine has actually made me promise to read this," he sighed. "On a good note, I'm actually ahead of you. I've passed page three. I know you're laughing at me right now, but I couldn't deny her. She's quite determined. There might even be a quiz right after. I envy you for not having any consequences for not reading the book. So, I guess you would have to keep me company later. I'm hoping to finish chapter one before I leave here."

"Would you believe that Maine and I actually work together?" Richard went on as he took his guitar out of its bag and started to check if it was in tune. "I'm guessing she told you already. Since I also found out by accident that she still talks to you via your radio. We just recently found out, and she fainted when she first saw me. She thought I was you."

He recalled his first official meeting of Maine at the airport in Paris. It seemed so long ago but it was just two weeks ago. Richard couldn't believe how much has happened since that time. He told Alden his version of events and how he felt that day. How he really wanted to approach her when he heard her voice for the first time in a long time. He related the events afterwards and what they have done together, until recently. He kept Alden up to date on his life and his parents.

"Mom and dad are doing great," Richard related, as he strummed his guitar with random tunes he could think of. "Their businesses are doing fine. They're both in demand. Especially with this huge project up north. They also seemed to be traveling a lot."

He suddenly stopped strumming and took a deep breath. He looked at the tombstone with his brother's name and let out the breath he was holding slowly.

"I wrote a new song for you," Richard said as he tried to hold back the tears that was threatening to fall. He took a deep breath once more and let it out slowly. "I hope you like it."

Taking another deep breath and letting it out slowly, he closed his eyes and started strumming, then he began to sing.

🎶So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you

So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here🎶

When he finished, Richard realized he shed those tears that he never wanted to fall. But he let them fall freely now as he tried to let out all the fear and pain that he had been keeping for years.

"I miss you, Rich," he said in between sobs. "There isn't a day that's gone by that I don't miss you."

He continued to cry until he felt his tears finally subsiding. He let the last of the tears fall, then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Wiping his tears, he looked at his brother's tombstone and reached out to trace his name with his fingers.

"Remember on the day you died?" Richard said softly as he tried to find the words that he so wanted to say to his brother. "I begged you to wake up. Telling you that whatever I felt for Maine, I'll bury it deep down. But you didn't. You instead gave your heart to Maine so that she'll live. So I really couldn't help but wonder..."

He paused and bit his lip, trying to continue his train of thought. Brows furrowed in concentration, he went on, "I'm really sorry, Rich. I never stopped. Would you ever forgive me for loving the same girl you were in love with? Would it be okay for you if I continued to pursue her? I'm in love with her, Rich. I couldn't help it. She's everything and more. I just feel so complete when I'm with her. Like a piece of me just pulled itself back inside and I'm whole again."

When he thought he was done crying, new batch of tears fell in his eyes. He wiped them away, before they fell on his cheeks. Richard continued, "will you be okay with this? With Maine and me? Would you tell me if you want me to keep pursuing her? Or tell me to stop? Would you give me your blessing? Or would you find a way to tear us apart? I just need you to tell me, Rich."

After a few more moments, his second bout of crying finally subsided and Richard finally smiled.

"Well," he said. "I'm hungry. Care for some pasta?"

He started eating but placed a small paper plate with small servings of everything that his mother made in front of the tombstone. He ate as he leaned on his brother's tombstone, telling him some of his misadventures with his work and his adventures whenever they land into a new city. He stayed there the whole morning, playing on his guitar or trying desperately to read the book he'd brought with him.

It was already mid-afternoon when he felt it, the answer that he was looking for. He was making progress in reading "Twilight" when he suddenly sat up straight and turned towards Alden's tombstone, like he was waiting for it to speak.

Richard had been trying to think of an activity that he could do with Maine when they were home, since they'd become close. But couldn't find the right one that would suit them both, so he brushed the thought aside and haven't thought about it until that moment. It was the sign that he was waiting for. Richard suddenly smiled, showing his dimple and said, "thanks, Rich. You will not regret this."


Author's Note:
Today's song is "From Where You Are" by Lifehouse from their 2010 album "Smoke and Mirrors". A disclaimer. I do not own the song. I'm a fan of the band and they're songs are apt for my fic. 😊

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