Robyn meet Rob

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I finally decided that Mike was crazy. I had always suspected it but it never really occurred to me until now that he was completely crazy. I thought this whilst he was holding up two photos of some actors I'd never heard of, I had to apparently choose what hairstyle to have. One guy had spiked up hair with frosted tips, he reminded me of some 90's boy band reject and the second was a guy with a fringe that swept across his face. Neither appealed to me but I pointed to the second photo. My hair was pretty short anyway so it wouldn't require me getting it cut or dyed, or that's what I thought anyway.

   "You need to dye it black" he randomly comments.

   "What!" I almost scream. I'd always loved my naturally blonde hair and I didn't want to dye it black.

   "So she won't recognise you of course" he says casually like it was normal for him to be choosing hair colours for me.

   "You said I would be doing this once. You said I would go in, make friends, ask about her exes and leave" I exclaim.

   "Well yeah but..." he stopped and put on his puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes.

   "Well you're paying for this."

   "Of course I'll pay for everything including this cute jacket" he says pulling out a jacket from the bag next to him. He hands it to me. It was a perfect fit and it was really cute as far as jackets for guys go.

   "So when am I having this transformation from Robyn into Rob?" I asked.

    He starts to grin which instantly scared me. "Well in about 5 minutes actually. Jack's coming over to do your hair and makeup." I can feel my face heating up with anger. Jack was a friend of ours, he was a hairdresser and did stage makeup so I trusted him completely but I didn't trust Mike. Before I could say anything Jack strolls through the door walking straight over to me.

   "You ready for the Jack treatment?" Jack says excitedly holding my chin in his fingers.

   "I guess so" I mumble trying to escape his hold. He genuinely looked like a child on Christmas morning. I guessed Jack was as anxious as Mike to find out why Rochelle had broken up with him. I just wished I wasn't involved in the plans to do so. He grabs my hand and pushes me onto a chair.

   "Are we ready honey?" he asks. Was I ready? Nope but I nodded anyway. Jack pulled out all sorts of chemicals and instruments I decided this was something I didn't want to see so I just closed my eyes.

   Finally after what felt like days Jack was finished. I'd had my hair reluctantly dyed and my face pulled about. "Ready?" he asks holding a mirror.

   "As ready as I'll ever be" I smile nervously. Jack turns the mirror around to face me and my mouth drops. "Oh my god" I exclaim. Mike looked thrilled and Jack looked smug at his work.

   "Robyn meet Rob, the hottest new guy to hit this town" Jack shrieks. I blinked and the person in the mirror blinked back.

   "I have side burns!" I shout touching the sides of my cheeks. And my hair was black, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Robyn was now gone and in her place was Rob. 

   "Are you sure you don't want Rochelle to fall for Rob?" Jack asks Mike sincerely. Mike looked thoughtful as if this hadn't occurred to him before shaking his head.

   "That won't happen. Will it? Anyway she doesn't like guys that look like Rob" he adds before flexing his muscles.

   "Sure" Jack snickers looking at me before I start to giggle. Suddenly my laughing stops as I actually think about that prospect.

   "Oh, girls won't hit on me will they?"

   "Of course not..." Jack adds uncertainly.

   "We haven't thought this out properly" I mumble.

   "Remember all you have to do is find out about her exes which includes me and find out why she dumped me and maybe ask her friends too" Mike suddenly perks up.

  "Friends? You never said that anyone else will be seeing me like this"I say pointing to my face.

   "Honey, don't worry, everyone will fall in love with Rob'"Jack adds enthusiastically.

   "That's what I'm afraid of" I mutter.

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