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"So what exactly is the plan?" I look up at Mike from beneath the hat that Jack decided Rob should wear. Apparently Rob was going to be hipster now. I didn't really care though, my plan was to go in and find out why Rochelle had dumped Mike and get out of there and that was it.

   "You are just going to go to her high school, casually bump into her, get talking, somehow get her talking about her boyfriends..." he says nonchalantly as if everything that was happening was totally normal which it totally was not.
  "Well that sounds easy" I say sarcastically.

   "That's the spirit" he says cheerfully totally missing my sarcasm.

   "I wasn't being serious! They'll know it's me or at least they'll know Rob's a girl straight away. My voice for starters is a huge give away" I almost cry in frustration.

    "No they won't your voice is super deep for a start" he begins.

    "Oh wow thanks so first of all I look like a guy and secondly I sound like one too" I retort.

   "No not like that it's just well you're not a preppy girl with a squeaky voice."

   "What like your precious Rochelle?"
    "Exactly" Mike replies before he starts drifting off into a daydream probably about Rochelle no doubt.

   "Ok back to the matter in hand. How do you think I should approach the situation without looking like some creepy guy watching some strange girls doing cheerleading practice?" I ask seriously.

   "Um well just look cool and they'll come over to you" he replies snapping out of his daydream.

    "Look cool? How? And what do you mean they? How many are there?" I ask getting increasingly more worried about what I've exactly agreed to.

   "Calm down Rob. Now get out of my car and go get interrogating" he smirks before practically pushing me out of his car door.
   "The nerve of him. I mean seriously why am I even doing this?" I mumble to myself as I walk down towards Rochelle's school. She went to school on a different side of town. I remember all too well the arguments caused by him being captain of the opposition. It was like Romeo and Juliet, except without the deaths. I never really got why I had only met her once being Mikes best friend and all but I guess football captain, cheerleader and outcast, nerd, loner or whatever I was never really went hand in hand. My thinking came to a sudden halt as I approached Western High School and the lump in my throat almost causes me to choke. Was I really going to go ahead with this? And then I thought to how upset Mike had been about Rochelle dumping him. "No one knows who I am or hopefully won't" I say to myself. I walk along the boundary and through the gates to the school field and as if right on cue I spot Rochelle amongst others waving their arms about and being overly happy. "Act cool" I lecture myself. I decide to sit on the bleachers near to where they were practicing.

   "Ok girls that's a wrap for today. Great work" I could hear Rochelle speak up. She had her blonde hair up in a ponytail with a ribbon with their team colours on.

   "Who's that guy watching us?" I hear one of the girls say.

   "I've never seen him before" Rochelle replies looking in my direction. Oh god they were now looking at me. I feel sick. 

   "He's kinda cute" I hear another girl say.

  "Yeah for a freshman" someone else says.

  "I'm going to say hi" Rochelle says.

   "I'll come with you" the one who called Rob cute says.

   "Ok well you can speak first then Amber" Rochelle tells her friend.

   Was it possible to have a heart attack at my age? Right now it felt like I was having one. Mikes mission all hung on one thing, me passing as a guy who none of these girls have met before. I look up to see the two girls walking towards me.

  "Hey there" the girl called Amber calls over.

  "Um hey" I cough as manly a voice I could muster.

   "What's your name?" she asks.

    "Rob" I reply coolly.

    "So Rob do you go to school here?" Rochelle pipes in seemingly intrigued.

    "Yeah I'm enrolling next week um just thought I'd check the school out" I lie.

    "Freshman?" she asks.

    "No, a senior" I reply looking offended.

    "Oh cool" Amber replies gleefully. "Well if you're interested you should come to my party on Friday, seniors only" she winks. Oh she did not just wink at me. Ugh. 

   "Um sure I guess" I force a smile.

    "We'll see you there then" Rochelle smiles at me.

    "Hey Rochelle. Amber. I don't have all day!" I hear someone shout. I look over to the voice belonged to. My eyes bulged at the site of this guy. Dark medium length hair, muscles, tattoos and he was even wearing my favourite bands t-shirt. 

   "Ugh it's my brother" Rochelle whispers. "Sure Tobey we'll be up in a second!" she shouts. "Well that's our lift, see you later Rob and here's the house address for the party" she adds ripping off a bit of paper and scribbling on it before handing it to me and running towards Tobey. 

   "Well if Tobey will be at the party I guess I will be too" I whisper to myself smiling as I watch the two girls run off towards the car.

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