Thank you

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Hi everyone!

As you read in the last chapter that was the final chapter.

I'm so happy to finish this book because it was one of the hardest book to come up ideas with.

But I still am sad that I'm ending this book.

But the good news is I'm starting a new Gracy book! It will be out next week on Monday, same schedule as this one. I would post it today but I'm not done yet or its not ready to be published.

I will post when it's out so there will be 1 more update saying when the book is released.

Also I like to thank you all for all the support on this book. This is my first book I started and it kinda hard to say it's done.

But like I said new book coming soon.

And and one last thing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you... for 3k it mean the world to me.

I love you all so so so much.♡♡

Ok until the next book bye bye!


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