chapter 10: We meet again

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Stacy pov

I open the door and see if it's Zach, and I couldn't belive my eyes.


"Stacy! It's so good to see you again"

"W-What are you doing here"

"I just moved here, I was just introducing myself to everyone in the neighborhood"

"T-Thats great......." I tryed pouting the fackest smile on.

"Yah now I can see you again, and mabey we can get back together" I felt like timed stopped at that moment.

"Uhhh..... I'll think about it"

"Ok... well I'll see you around"

"Ok bye"
I shut the door. Why, why does everything bad happend to me. I broke up with him for a reason. Ashton was my first boyfriend and we dated for about 2 mouths, then I broke up with him, because he kept hitting me and drinking, and slept with other girls. When we broke up, he didn't take well..... he gave a black eyes and lots of bruises everywhere.

I don't want that to happend again, and how do I tell him I with Zach.



I totally forgot about our date tonight. Why isn't he here yet he said he was going to pick me up at 7 it almost about to me 8. Let me text him and see where he is.


S: Hey are you coming?

Z: yah be there in 10


10 minutes later I hear a nock on the door. I prey to let it be Zach not Ashton. I open the door.

"Hi Stace"

"Hi Zach"
Thank god

"Sorry I toke so long there was traffic, ready to go?"

"Yah I'm ready"

Time skip to cinema

"What movie are we going to watch?"

"I was thinking we should watch Unfriended"
I didn't have a good felling about this

"Is Stacy-wacy scared"

" N-No I'm not"

"Fine then lets see how long it takes you not scream or cover your eyes"

"Fine I'm not going to do nether of thouse things"

"Let's see and find out" he said with a smirk.


The movie started to play. I'm starting to get a little scared. I really can't handle a scary movie. I wanted to close my eyes but I now I will lose if I do it.

Oh... no.. can't take it anymore I have to cover my eyes. I cover my eyes and berry my eyes into Zach's chest, I now I lost now, I bet he is about to laugh any second now, but I feel a arm around my waist.

I uncover my eyes and look at Zach, he is looking at me, I start to lean in a little, so dose he, we were cenimeters away from each other, when one of the girls in the movies screamed, that made us both jump, and we backed away.

He kept his arm around me the hole time till the movie ended. When it fished we go to his car and went for dinner at olive garden.

Time skip when Stacy at home

I had a great time with Zach tonight. I got to see a movie with him and eat dinner. At dinner we kept laughing a joking. It was amazing.

The only problem was that I didn't tell him about Ashton. I didn't tell him at dinner because we having fun and I didn't want to ruin it. I will have to tell him tomorrow and school.


Hi everyone. You all hate me for not updating I now. I brake my promise I now. At least I updated. I don't have much to say, and do you guys like that I have added a new character. Anways that all for today vote, comment and I will see you next chapter bye bye

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