Negative Comments with No Constructive Value

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Amyscence's perspective:

If a story is terrible, then you don't really need a constructive value. You just go ahead and say it out loud. "This story sucks my iguana's left nipple." But if a story is good and someone hates on it. It's just that they are jealous, they want the attention that the story is getting. Simple. They are just haters who have no lives. They want to make the author feel bad. And honestly...Every time I see one I just want to slap them with a cow. Because I get these a lot, and when they just hate on the shit I do. I go to their profile and check out their stories and see that theirs is WAY worse than anything on wattpad! So what the hell? People need to realize that authors don't write FOR YOU. They write THEIR own stories. So if you don't like it, then just stfu and go bitch somewhere else. And everyone here isn't a professional. Some of us are just writing because we love to. Not because we're trying to be perfect bitches.

Frakkevin's Perspective:

If you don't have anything nice to say, at least try not to come off as a complete jackass. First of all, you're being allowed to read these works for free, so don't complain and whine as if you just wasted mommy or daddy's money. The act of leaving negative comments only works against you, it in no way makes you appear "hip". That's right kids, being helpful gets you somewhere. Take your time, point out grammar errors or plot holes. Don't leave a two page rant because the plot didn’t unfold they way you wanted it to. If Jason didn’t marry his teacher who's also a werewolf...oh well, move on to a new book. And here‘s a major annoyance of mine, don't you dare tear somebody's story a part especially if you have nothing posted. That person was a lot braver than you to post there work in the first place, once again it only makes you look like a bitter fool. So in closing, before you post a negative comment make sure you're willing to wear the title of jackass, because we're all going to be thinking it.

Also, I know a lot of readers are passionate about their favorite authors’ work. Just because one person decides to leave a negative comment, doesn’t give you the right to gang up on them. You have to remember some people crave attention and that we’re all entitled to our own opinions even if it’s pointless, idiotic, mean spirited or properly constructive. Author’s step up and don’t turn your fan base into an army of jerks, that ain’t cool yo (wink wink smileyface meow)

JordanPark's perspective:

A story merits the responses it gets, though not all of them are of constructive value. Whether or not they deserved those unconstructive comments is up to personal interpretation of the story by the reader. I have posted said unconstructive comments on some stories, and many of them had deserved it. There’s a line between “needs work” and “utter disregard of grammar and spelling.” Those stories rested on the latter side of that that line.
That does not mean I am jealous, as some might say, but only means that the story honestly is not good. Truthfully, I do not see where jealously would hold any place in some of these unconstructive comments. Some, maybe, but others not so much. For instance, when I tore one story to shreds, it was not because I was jealous. It was because the story was absolutely horrible. The writing was rushed, had horrible grammar, and the spelling was on par with a toddler’s spelling capabilities.
Many people are simply blunt. Like me, they do not often care about the persons feelings, only that the truth be stated. If you personally feel that is harsh, then tough. Not everyone is going to say your story is good, and when they do not, how will you handle it?
If you think about it, there is no such thing as unconstructive comments. Sure, they may not provide any help for the story itself, but they may provide benefits for the author. They can learn how to handle those comments, because as stated before, not everyone will like the story. They can learn how to take my unconstructive bashings and turn them into something constructive.
So, my opinion on them is this: As insulting at they may be at times, you can always gain something from these kinds of comments.
Also, do not judge the commenter. Instead, try to find what you can do to change that comment for the better.

KevinHanion's perspective:

The work that I do has always brought negative comments that have no constructive values and even though the vast majority of users on this site hate them, I thrive off them. It gives me the opportunity to mess with them and to bring out their own flaws, publicly. Wattpad don't always appreciate my methods but if you're willing to trash another user on his or her books, then you have to be willing to be made to look stupid by the user you're trashing.

All in all, I like the negativity towards my work so bring it on.

Soru399's perspective:

There's a saying that most little kids hear when they're young. "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." When people get comments that are negative AND pointless on their stories that also can sometimes embarrass them. You are being a bully! And after this week of three no more bullying assemblies, I can say that no one really likes bullies. They are mean and the only reason they even lash out is because they are jealous and angry. So if you are negative and pointless, you --deep down-- are just jealous and want to lash out at someone. So I repeat, "If you don't have anything nice to say (or supportive) then don't say anything at all.

Perfecttrain's perspective:

I think that if people are going to criticize a story then they should at least provide the author with information they can use to improve as a writer. If you tell someone that their story sucks and that's it then you aren't helping, you're only hurting, but most of all YOU'RE NOT HELPING. The point of critiquing a story isn't to tear it down just to tear it down, it's to tear it down and to help the author fix what needs to be fixed. Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses. If you just don't like the story then why even critique it at all? Why waste your time critiquing a story that you have nothing good to say about? So that's my stand on that. If you have nothing constructive to say then don't say anything at all.

PurpleSky4's perspective:

Negative comments are just there to usually put you down and criticize your work for no apparent reason. I haven't gotten a negative comment yet but when I see them on some of the stories I read it just makes me want to punch that person in the face.

Darkened_Beauty1735's perspective:

I personally dislike negative comments that are not constructive what so ever. That degrade a writer's work and discourages the writer from pursuing more of their story. I really think that negative comments just bring down a writers self-esteem

ALexxaVamppie's perspective:

ok well, comments with no constructive values are equal to bullying with your words. i mean, wtf dont they have anything better to do?! it's because of those people that writers get depressed and don't know what to write about later. maybe the writer was going for something awesome. it's because of bullies that people suicide....or in this case, stop writing or deleting their stories

My perspective:

At times I have been guilty of this in the past. However, I believe that this is fundamentally detrimental to everything on wattpad. This site is for people to hone their craft and become true artists through their writing. That type of feedback ultimately leads to the decay of the author, and kills all hope of improvement.

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