Chapter 1

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Like the singin' bird and the croaking toad, I got a name, I got a name.
~Jim Croce, I Got A Name, 1973

It's just a few days before Thanksgiving. I'm hosting a Friendsgiving at my apartment. There is going to be six of us. My two friends, Holly and Chelsea, and their boyfriends, Xavier and Ben. Of course my boyfriend, Blake, will be there too.

Blake has been my boyfriend for the past two years. I write the music and he produces it. He is just three years older than me. He has rich, chocolate hair and deep, sea green eyes. He is gorgeous and he is mine. I am so incredibly lucky to have him.

I roam the busy grocery store, dropping items in the shopping cart that I will need for the holiday. Once I am done shopping, I stand in line to checkout for at least 15 minutes. Out of boredom I look at the covers of the magazines. At least two of them have my name on the cover. The first one says, 'Monroe Marsden Writes Another Hit Single,' and the other says, 'Marsden Makes It Big Again.' Some days the covers on these magazines entertain me. I still find it hard to believe my success in the music world. It's crazy.

Finally it is my turn to checkout. The clerk bags the groceries before asking for my credit card. "I need to also check your I.D. too, Miss." He adds.

"Of course." I say. I hand him the identification card. I swear his eyes widen when he looks at it.

"Are you the Monroe Marsden? One of the biggest songwriters out there?" He asks. He looks like he is in shock.

"I am." I reply with a sweet smile.

"Well golly, Miss Marsden. It is a pleasure helping you out today." He says with the biggest grin on his face.

"Thank you." I say with a kind smile. 

I put the groceries in the trunk of my car before heading back to the apartment I share with Blake. I drive through the Nashville streets for twenty minutes before pulling into the parking garage for my apartment.

After getting the groceries unloaded, I call Blake. "Hey, Babe." He says, answering the phone.

"Hey! I was just wondering when you would be getting home." I say.

"I'm just finishing up in the studio. I can pick up pizza for dinner?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Then I should be home in an hour." He says.

"Okay. Love you." I say before we hang up.

I decide to do some laundry before Blake comes home and then work on my laptop with some new lyrics for the next song.

I smell the pizza before Blake even opens the door. I bolt from the couch and to the front door in a matter of seconds. I open the door as Blake is about to unlock it. "Food!!!!!" I yell.

"Hello to you too, Monroe." Blake says laughing.

"Food!!!!!" I say grinning. "I'm starving."

"I'm good, Babe. Thanks for asking." Blake says with an eye roll. I grab the box of pizza from his hands. "You're welcome." He says.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I say before putting the box of deliciousness on the dinning room table. I grab two plates from the kitchen and bring them into the dinning room.

After eating dinner, we head into our bedroom to get ready for bed. "So, what days do you have off this week?" I ask.

"I have Thanksgiving Day off and Black Friday." He replies. "And you are working at home for the rest of the week?"

"Yeah. It is much easier than going into work to do the exact same thing." I say as I change into one of Blake's old shirts and a pair of sweatpants. "Tomorrow Holly and I are going shopping." I add.

"Why don't you just go shopping on Black Friday?"

"It really isn't worth the crowds and the craziness." I reply. "It is much more calm the day before Thanksgiving." I add.

"I guess that makes sense." He says.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Tomorrow you have to pick up the alcohol for the holiday."

"I think you would kill me if I forgot." He says. "I won't forget."

"I most definitely would kill you if you forgot my red wine. You know how much I love my wine."

"Oh trust me, I know. It's hard to forget Valentines Day. You drank at least two bottles." 

"It was a special occasion." I retort. He rolls his green eyes.

"I won't argue." He says. "It's pointless."

"Exactly." I say. I climb into bed beside him. Blake places his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I reply.

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