Chapter 4

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Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter, Little darling, it feels like years since its been here
~The Beatles, Here Comes The Sun, 1969

Last night I ate Thanksgiving dinner with Gran and Della. No one mentioned cancer. It was almost like everything was normal.

I wake up Friday morning at six in my old bedroom. The walls are painted a pale yellow with white trim. I see my old guitar sitting in the corner. I almost forgot I owned that. I hear someone knock on my door before they open it. It's Gran. "I thought you were awake." She says with a smile. She is holding two mugs of coffee. She comes and sits on my bed. "You were always an early riser."

"I still am." I say.

"We used to sit outside on the porch in the mornings drinking our coffee." Gran says. "Do you remember that?"

"I will never forget. Della would sleep through it every morning even though she kept saying she would get up early and join us."

"Oh that Della!" Gran says laughing. "Always making those promises she can't keep."

"Typical Della."

"How is your career, Monroe?" Gran asks.

"Crazy. My name is being printed on newspapers, people are recognizing me on the street." I reply.

"I knew you could do it!"

"Thanks, Gran. How are you feeling?" I ask, changing the subject.


"Gran, just tell me. I'm not five years old anymore."

"I know you aren't. But I am going to be fine."

"But it's terminal cancer."

"Monroe, it's my time to go." She says, patting my knee. "Let's go downstairs and make some breakfast. Pancakes sound good?"

"They always sound good." I say with a sad smile.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Just last year I hired some of your high school classmates to work for me here on the farm. They will be joining us for breakfast." Gran says, standing from the bed.

"Which ones did you hire, Gran?" I ask.

"You will just have to wait and see." Gran responds with a smile. "How about you get dressed for the day then come downstairs to help with breakfast? Oh! And also wake up for sister while you're at it." She adds.

I get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and an old plaid shirt of mine from high school. I find my old cowboy boots in the closet and slip those on. I pull my honey-blonde hair into a ponytail. Now I feel at home. I walk across the hallway to Della's room. I bang on the door. "Della, get your sorry excuse for an ass out of bed!" I yell.

"I have a lovely ass, thank you very much!" Della responds. "Just ask the guys!"

"Just get your ass out of bed!" I say, laughing.

"Fine!" Della replies. I head downstairs to the kitchen. Gran is mixing the pancake batter.

"Did you wake up your sister?" She asks.

"Yep." I reply. "Can you give me a hint about who you hired?" I ask.

"I know one of them will be here any minute." Gran says. I hear the front door open and then close. One of my best friends from high school walks into the kitchen.

"Dallas!" I yell, running straight into his arms. Dallas is tall, really tall. He has ashy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and dark tan. I catch him by surprise.

Lyrics to My Life  (First Book in Life Series)Where stories live. Discover now