Chapter 3

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Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are
~Greenday, Wake Me Up When September Ends, 2004

I get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a flowing blue top after my shower. I put on the locket that used to belong to my mom before she died when I was five. I open the locket and gaze at the two pictures in it. On the left is picture of my twin sister, Adaline, and I. Everyone calls her Della. We are pretty much identical except for eye color. We both have honey-blonde hair but I have baby blue eyes while she has dark brown ones. Everything else is the same. We are both 5'4, we have peachy skin that tans in the summer, same taste in food, we act the same in ways, and I miss her like crazy. We hardly ever see each other. She is busy at the family farm in Guntersville, Alabama while I am busy here in Nashville.

I head into the kitchen to check on the turkey cooking in the oven. It's only ten so we still have a couple hours until everyone else arrives. Blake is working on some things on his laptop in the living room while I am in the kitchen.

Holly and Xavier come first. Blake and I greet them at the door. I give the both of them a hug and Blake gives Holly a hug and then does his man hug thing guys do with Xavier. I pour Holly and I red wine and Blake gets Xavier a bottle of beer and one for himself. The guys go watch football in the living room while Holly and I stay and talk in the kitchen. "So did you talk to Blake about you know what?" She asks.

"Yeah." I reply. "I first asked if he thought we would ever get married then I asked if he thought we would ever have kids."


"For the marriage question he said maybe eventually and for the kid question he said he never really thought about it. He has only been thinking of his career. He was really uncomfortable about it too. Right after the kid question he answered it and then practically ran for the shower."

"Oh wow." Holly replies. "That's odd in a way." She adds.

"I agree. What if he doesn't want to be with me forever?" 

"Monroe! I'm sure he does. He was probably just caught by surprise." She says reassuringly.

"You are probably right." I say.

About twenty minutes later, Chelsea and Ben arrive. We saw our hellos and then Chelsea joins Holly and I in the kitchen and Ben watches football with the others.

Chelsea, Holly, and I set the dining room table and then put the food on it. My cell phone rings right after I set the stuffing on the table. I look at the caller I.D. and see that it is Della. I walk into my bedroom before I answer. "Hey! Happy Thanksgiving!" I say when I answer.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you too." She replies. Her voice cracks as if she is or was crying.

"Della, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"It's Gran. She has terminal cancer." Della begins. "She hasn't been feeling well lately so I took her to the doctors. They ran some tests and she has terminal lung cancer. They said she has three to six months live." My twin explains. I feel tears fall down my face.

Gran raised us since we were five, right after our mom died. Our dad ran off before we were even born. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I say before hanging up. I sit on my bed, letting the tears fall.

I sit there for a good five minutes before Holly checks on me. "What's wrong, Monroe?" She asks.

"My sister called. Our grandmother has terminal cancer." I reply. Holly sits beside me and wraps me up in a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She says, comfortingly. "Is there anything I can do?" She asks.

"I don't think so." I say. "I'm going down to Alabama tonight. I'm going to pack now and then head out." I add.

"Do you want someone to go with you?" She asks.

"No. I don't know how long I'll be down there." I say. "Could you get Blake please?"

"Of course!" She says before leaving my bedroom.

I dig through my closet, looking for my suitcase. I find it and lay it on my bed. I open my dresser drawers and start packing. Blake comes in and shuts the door. "Holly told me." He says.

"I'm going down to Guntersville." I say. "I'm leaving as soon as I am packed."

"Are you sure you don't want to wait until tomorrow? I could drive you?" He offers.

"No. I need to do this on my own, Blake." I reply.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I say.

I finish packing. Blake puts my luggage in my truck. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

"I'm sure." I reply. I give him a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, Monroe. Drive safe." He says. He gives me a small kiss on the cheek.

It takes me two and a half hours to get to the farm I grew up on. I get there at around six. I walk up to the front door and knock. Della opens the door. She gives me a giant hug before saying anything. "I didn't think you would get here this soon." She says.

"I told you I would get here as soon as possible." I reply with a small smile.

"Well you did indeed. Come in. We were just about to start eating." She says and I walk in.

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