First Ever Punishment

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Daren's POV

I yelped loudly as I was tossed to the floor. I heard my new master's menacing tone. I quickly began wiggling out if my clothing and sat there naked, kneeling before my pissed off master. I peeked under my long lashes as I watched him move across the room. He pulled out a red riding crop and I'm sure he could hear my gulp of nervousness. "Do you know what has earned you this punishment?" Garrett asked me as he tapped the crop on his hand and glared down at me.

I shook my head and out of nowhere I felt a sharp slap, knocking me off balance. I fell over, only to be picked back up by my hair. I was nose to nose with a pissed off Garrett. "Verbal!" He growled in my face. I began crying, "i-i don't know what I've done Master!" I cried as I avoided looking in his eyes. He let go of my hair before sitting on the bed. His eyes softened and he spoke calmer. "You broke rule five. Do you remember what that is?" It took me a minute to answer before nodding my head. "Not to speak unless spoken to..." I bow my head in shame as I realize I actually do deserve a punishment.

Garrett lifted my face by my chin, his eyes full of anger again. "Not only did you break this rule, but you also embarrassed me in front of my family. I am very displeased with you. So not only will you get ten lashings, but you'll also be sleeping in your cage and helping out with the housework tomorrow. Am I clear in what your punishment consists of?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "Yes Master... Thank you for the punishment." I don't know what made me say the last part, but for a moment he seemed to be happy with my response. He moved back onto the bed and patted his knee. "Bend over my knee. You will count out loud and an extra hit will be added for every sound that isn't a number." He said sternly. I slowly climbed over his lap and blushed a shade of powder pink as Garrett caressed my ass. I wasn't prepared for the sudden strike from the crop and I cried out loudly.

"That's one more added." Garrett said sternly as he raised the crop and hit me again. A groan left my lips and I whimpered. "O-One!" I said with a gasp. As soon as the word left my lips another strike followed. "T-Two!" I gripped the sheets tightly to hold in my cries of pain. Strike after strike as I was punished and soon my face was soaked with tears. "....Ten!" I yelped the last number. I panted heavily as I lie there, my ass covered in whelps. I felt my master caress my stinging backside gently before setting me on the ground. "Go in your cage Daren. I'll see you in the morning." He said before stripping out of his clothes and laying down in his bed.

I sniffle and crawl into the cage, getting as comfortable as I could before falling into a cry induced sleep.

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