Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Please read! And comment!

This chapter is going to be in Alex's POV. Enjoy!!

Chapter 3:

I see a girl standing in the middle of the door way with a big smile on her face staring at me. She was super gorgeous, so why would she stare at a boy like me?

She walked over to the seat beside me. A ton of the girls in my class said hey to here, so I'm guessing she's popular.

"Hi!" She said. "My name is Kallie. You?" she asked. Her voice was kind and not to low, not to high.

"Alex" I said in my slight English accent. I was told that I had the voice of an angel.

Wait, wait, wait. Let me tell you how I got here in Ohio and why I'm speaking in a British accent.

Well, my name is Alex Craig. I was born in London, England. My mom was from Cali, and she met my father in London when she interned at a museum. They had me, got married, and then we moved back to Beverly Hills. I was living that luxurious life until last summer. I had gotten into some trouble at school (typical bad grades and stuff) so my parents sent me to an all boys school in Columbus, Ohio.

But why would there be a girl at an all boys school? Well, my grandparents lives in Grove City, Ohio, right outside of Columbus, so I asked my mom if I could move there and stay with her parents. Of course she said yes. So that's how I ended up here. Now back to reality.

The tall dude who I was guessing is the teacher stood at the front of the room as the bell rang. I looked around and noticed al of the girls staring at him with big eyes.

"Hi my name is Mr. Chase" he said in a deep voice. "I am your English teacher for this semester. If you are wondering why you are sitting with partners like you may have to do in science, it's because we do lots of projects in my class. I gave you all a syllabus so please read that over and sign it." He seemed nice but apparently all the girls in the class thought so to.

I just couldn't get over the way Kallie was looking at me. Maybe she had seen me this morning.

Before I could get my paper signed, she slid a piece of paper towards me. It read:

Hey Alex!

Welcome to school! If you need help with school or anything in this town, let me know!



My first day of school and I had already gotten a girls number! Before I could give her my number back, the bell rang and everyone headed out into the hallways for their next class. Kallie turned, flipped her hair and winked at me. The magnet is back!

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