Chapter 9

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Haven't had wifi all weekend! Sorry!! Well, chapter 9 is in Kalie's POV again!! enjoy!! 😘

Chapter 9

As I pulled up to the school, everything was already bustling. Being the best school in Ohio, we had a lot to keep up. Our campus was fully manicured, sports teams the champions, grades top notch, and filled with tons of amenities. We had a Starbucks, swimming pool, a dining hall with chefs from 5 Star restaurants, and food trucks that came everyday at lunch to offer fast food. There were parents fighting to get thee kids here!

I started walking up to my locker to get my books. Not to be cocky or anything, but I was pretty popular. Already I had 10 people talk to me.

As the bell rang, everyone headed to their first class. Mr. Chase's class was only right down the hall. When I got in, I found my seat beside Alex and started writing down the daily assignment just as the teacher walked in.

"Okay class," he said, "Today we will begin our projects. You will be working in pairs by your seat mate. Now, this project is important. It involves 3 parts and they are all due in 3 weeks. Since today is August 27, the project is due September 20th. Now, what you will be doing is picking a topic that is important to you and writing an essay about it. Then, you will have to interview 6 people about how they feel about your said topic. Lastly, you will have to make a presentation board on facts, quotes from people, and pictures from your research. Since its the first day, I will let you work all through my class on the projects either in here or the library. But remember, you will have to do work at home to. So that's where you will really need your iPads and Macs at home."

We all pulled out our devices when he said that. They were given to us the day before for work, and every student in the middle school and high school had them.

"Now," he continued, "Is anyone's partner not here today?" he asked. I turned around to see Cassie's partner, Matt, raise his hand. I looked back at Mr. Chase. He had a sad look on his face and I couldn't help but smirk. Awe! He misses her!

At that time, I turned to Alex.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"Library?" he said

I smiled and we grabbed all of our stuff and headed out to the hall. We were quite as we went out to cross the quad to the large library looming ahead. The library was the same size as the one at Ohio State. I noticed Alex sneaking looks at my body as we walked there. The quad was only a little busy with kids on free period hanging out.

As we entered, everything was quite. Most of the kids on free period studied in here or hung out in the quad. Free period was the best, and we don't get it on the first day, so everyone was enjoying it now.

Me and Alex found an empty table and laid out our things. We began brainstorming ideas for our essay. We each had to write an essay and interview 6 people each, but then we got to work together on the presentation. When we settled with 3 topics to choose from, Alex went to find some books so we could determine the one idea we both had to do.

My phone vibrated and I looked down at it. Matt had sent me a text

From Matt:

Wanna do something after football? Ill be done at 6.

Me and Matt messed around a lot last year and everyone thought we would end up having a steady relationship. Last year I wasn't looking for that, but this year I am. Matt made it seem that he took my virginity last year, but that wasn't true. I was holding on to that until I could find the right guy.

I texted him back "Sure! Me and Alex are working on our project at 4 and should be done by then! Come on over. I have the house to my self!"

As soon as a pressed send, Alex came over with 3 books from the 3 topics we were torn between. One was about orphans, the next about the meaning of family, and the last about drugs and tobacco use. We knew that Mr. Chase would make us do this project again and that we would get to use at least one more of these topics, so after reading through the beginning of them we settled on the orphan one.

We got just fast jotting down facts and googling pictures that before we knew it, the bell rang and I was headed to Spanish.


Hope you've enjoyed this!

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