Chapter 10

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It's been forever! this is in Cassie's POV about the night before.

Cassie's POV:

When I got to the doctors office the next morning, I couldn't concentrate because of what happened the night before. It ran through my head 5 million times!☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

*the night before*

When I got to Mr.Chase's house, he opened the door and smiled his "sexy smirk".

"Hi!" I said.

"Come on in," he gestured me into his house.

It was kind of small but I didn't care.

"I really enjoyed detention today!" I said.

"Well, you shouldn't," Mr.Chase said. "So I will have to punish you," he said as he led me to an open door and shut it abruptly.

He looked at me like he was angry and pushed me onto the bed.

"Bad girls get in trouble," he said. "And you get a bad punishment,"

I kind of knew what he meant, but I wanted to act like I didn't.

He tore of his shirt and rolled me to his stomach.

"Now, you aren't supposed to like this." he said. "So get ready."

he pulled down my shorts and grabbed my bare butt in his hands. he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up in from of him and started biting my neck. I was breathing heavy and he pulled off my sports bra. I was panting from happiness. I was standing in the room naked and he started walking around me. he started to rub all over me and kissed me forcefully. I decided to get in on it and pulled down his pants and underwear. He stuck "it" in for 2 seconds and then walked away to get a condom.

I knew it wasn't a punishment anymore so I pushed him on the bed and we had some gooooood sex. I ended up telling my mom that I spent the night at Kallie's and just slept with him.

when I woke up, he kissed me and left for school. I couldn't believe what had happened! I thought James was good, but a more experienced man is better! i pulled on jean shorts and my sail boat shirt and grabbed my car keys and purse and headed to the doctor.

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