Chapter 4: I know who you are

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Jay tries to calm me down as I cry. I cry because he left. I cry because I had to give up Mason. I cry because I don't know what's going to happen to my baby. And I cry because I need it. Jay pulls me into his lap and I quickly pull away.

"No. I can't." I wipe away my tears.

"Can't what?"

I don't want to tell him. I can't tell him. He's going to think that it's weird. He probably thinks that this whole thing is weird. I just randomly called him after fifteen years and tell him that he has a child. The fact that he just jumped on board with all of it is what surprises me.

"I should go check on Mason. Phillip probably has her in a headlock or something." I push myself off the bed.

"Wait," Jay grabs my hand and I turn to him,"Can we talk first?"

"About what?"

"About us." My heart starts racing.

"I wasn't aware that there was an us." Jay stands up.

"Mal, I still-" The door flies open.

"Hey Aurora can I-,"My head snaps over to Ella,"I-I'm sorry. I-I thought A-Aurora was i-in here." I surge forward and shove Ella against the wall at the other end of the hall. Her head hits the wall with a terrific echo throughout the hall.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to knock? Oh wait. . . she's dead. I forgot. What about your father? Oh right, he left you with the witch."

"I-I'm sorry." I bring her back and shove her against the wall. Blood splatters across the smooth, light brown bricks and turn Ella's light blonde hair a fun shade of red.

"Don't say you're sorry. It makes you sound pathetic." I take in a giant breath and throw my head back laughing. I lean forward and put my lips against Ella's ear. She trembles under my grip which gives me a great feeling of satisfaction,"I can smell the fear on you."

A small wimpier comes out of her and I smile. I throw her thin body on the floor and she quickly runs to Snow who engulfs her in a hug.

"Mal! What the he-" Jay has no time to finish his sentence before I have him up against the wall with my magic. The green mist pours from my body and wraps around Jay's neck. It tightens and Jay starts to claw at the mist, which his hands pass through.

"I'm a villain. Remember Jay? That's what you told me anyway. Looks like you were right. You can't change me and you never did." I bring my hand up as if it's wrapped around his neck and her starts to gasp from his lack of air.

"You- can't." He gasp.

"I can't what? Kill you? Because I most certainly can k-"

"You-You won't." Every muscle in my body tenses. He's right. I won't kill him. I won't kill him because I still love him in my own sick, twisted way. With a lot of effort, I drop my hand and the green mist disappears. Jay falls to the floor in a crumpled heap, choking on his own air.

"I'll do it next time." I turn on my heel, ready to walk away.

"Some villain." I whirl around and charge to Jay. When I reach him, I bring my foot back and kick him in the ribs. I hear a crack as he curls into the fetal position, letting out a loud cry.

"Don't test me." I growl. And with that, I disappear in a puff of green smoke. The smell of magic fills my nose and burns my insides. The force of the wind blows my hair around me. I am too mad to be teleporting anywhere right now. This is going to kill me. I quickly stop and the wind around me stops as soon as it came. I fall to the floor my legs unable to support my body wait. Cool wind rolls over my body as I push myself up. I take a look around and my heart races. I'm where me and Jay had our first kiss. My fist clench around leaves, twigs, and dirt, my memories here upsetting me.

I watch as my tree- our tree- sways in the winds. The branches twist in knots all the way up, blocking my view from the sky but allowing streams of sunlight to come through. Some of the petals from the white flowers fall down around me and make the ground look like it just got out of a nice bubble bath and didn't rinse off all of the bubble. I slowly stand up and walk towards the tree. I reach my hand out and run my hand over the rough bark.

What did I do?

I almost killed Jay. Something is wrong with me. I shouldn't want to kill people. I shouldn't love the satisfaction in hurting them. It's just who I am, though. I can't help it. It's how I was created.

My heart drops.

It's how Walt created me. This is his fault.

"Hey Mal." I whirl around and see Jay limping towards me.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would be here and I want to talk." He leans on the tree and winces.

"I'm so sorry. I-"

"Don't say you didn't mean to because you did."

"What? No I didn't. I just got so mad and-"

"Like you normally do."

"But I-"

"You don't need to defend yourself, Mal. I know who you are."

"And who is that?"

He gives me a broad smile, telling me that he's getting ready for a joke,"You're sick."

I shake my head,"I'm not sick. I'm twisted. Saying sick makes it sound like there's a cure for it." Jay pulls his hand up and sets it on my cheek. His warmth fills my cheek and I lean into his hand.

"There doesn't need to be a cure. You just need to control your anger." Jay caresses my cheek with his thumb,"You can be good if you want to."

"Yeah," I snort,"Can you see me acting like you?"

"Yes, actually." He drops his hand and I let out a small wimpier,"I make mistakes all the time. That doesn't mean I'm not good. Everyone makes mistakes." I look between the trees, at the dark woods.

"Not the heroes."

"My dad created them like that. They are incapable of doing anything bad on purpose."

"And I'm incapable of doing anything good on purpose. It's how your father created me." I throw his words right back at him.

"You are completely capable of learning. If you don't for you then do it for our kid." I look back at him in shock.

"But Mason-"

"Needs a strong mother figure in her life."

"Can't that be Aurora?"

"Who needs to be her mom." I cross my arms over my chest, feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm not cut out to be a mom."

"Is anyone cut out to be a parent? What we have to do is try our best and hope that we don't screw her up." He already loves her and he hasn't even met her. It's so obvious. They way he talks about her like he's know her his whole life.

"Do you want to met her?" I whisper.

"Honestly? I'm kind of scared."

I scoff, "You? Scared? Of what?"

He scratches the back of his neck,"That she won't like me."

"Mason not liking someone? Please! I think she's incapable of not liking anyone." Jay chuckles then winces.

"It must be true if you say it!"

I smile,"I am sorry for kicking you."

"Don't be. I deserved it. I was being an ass."

I glance him up and down. Jay is probably the only person who will ever know me like he does. He's able to read me like he's reading a kids book. He acts so different when he's around me too. I talk to Aurora when she's alone with him. She says he shy and goofy. Of course he's shy and goofy around me but he is also funny and loves to hit me with his witty comebacks. The one guy who can stand me is, sadly, unavailable.

"How about I walk you over to Mason?"

"That sounds great."

Sorry this chapter is so short, it's sort of a filler. The next chapter will be twice as long for you guys!

Forbidden Child (A Disney/ Maleficent fanfict) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now