Chapter 2: Stay with Mom

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I sit up in the chair, my back sore for sleeping in an arm chair all night. My eyes scan the room for Mason but she's not in the bed. I shoot up and quickly search the room for any places that Mason can be hiding but I don't find her.

"Diaval!" I scream for one of my only friends, a raven(that tells you a lot about my life right there). Diaval flies into the room through the window that I always keep open. I wave my hand and he changes into a human. Diaval runs a hand through his raven black hair and adjust the black vest that covers his chest.

"What do you need?" he ask with care and a strong English accent.

"She's gone. They both are. They were here when I fell asleep and I don't know where-"

"Woah, woah," Diaval takes a step forward and grabs both my shoulders,"Who's missing?"

"Mason and Max." My vision turns blurry from unfallen tears.

"Who they are would be nice." He gives me a joking grin which calms me down a little.

"My daughter and her dog."

"Wait, she's back?"

"Not anymore! She's missing!"

"Okay, we'll find them."

"How? She doesn't know the castle! She could have left. Max could have talked her into leaving. I knew that he hated me since he first flew out of that blasted piece of parchment!"

"Calm down, Mal. We'll find them. I'll go straight, you go left, yeah?" I nod. Diaval leads us out and down my hall (this is because people want to be as far away as they can from me so my room is alone at the end of a small hall). I wave my hand and Diaval turns back into a raven. He flies straight and I take off down the hallway to the right. No one- thank God- is in the halls that I run down. I run past the study and skid to a stop. I take a few steps back and look into the study. Mason is on the floor, clutching onto Diaval. Diaval is struggling to escape from Mason's grasp. Max is just sitting quietly on the floor with his head perked up, watching Mason with steady eyes.

"Mason? What are you doing in here?" I walk into the study and Mason looks up at me.

"Mm-Mm!" she releases Diaval and he stumbles around a little. Mason stands up and runs to me.

"Where did you go?"

No reply from Mason.

"Max!" I look over at Max for help.

"She doesn't like small spaces for that long. This is better for her." He licks the bottom of one of his paws. I look around the study. It is much bigger than my room. Note to self: make sure Mason's in big places all the time.

"Are you okay, Diaval?" He let's out an irritated chirp and flies over to me. He perches on my shoulders and his nice warmth fills up my shoulder.

"B-Bird!" Mason croaks with joy.

"He's my friend. Do you like him?"

She nods eagerly,"No!" I laugh.

"Are you hungry?" Her eyes light up like they did last night.


"Yeah, okay. I could go for something to eat." Max stands up and pads over to us.

"Diaval, you can go now if you want." Diaval flies away and Mason grabs my wrist as soon as he's gone.


"Yeah let's go." I lead the two away from the study and walk to the kitchen. Mason's little hand slips into mine and I almost forget how to walk. I look down at Mason who is looking around like nothing happened, like the small little gesture that she just made means nothing to her.

Forbidden Child (A Disney/ Maleficent fanfict) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now