Chapter 7: I'm so sorry

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I walk towards the side of the castle because Walt definitely didn't come through the front doors. I see Diaval perched on a tree branch. He hops towards me, with his little head tilted to the side as if asking me what I need.

"Have you seen Walt?"

He flies away and I follow after him. The sun gets blocked out when I get passed the wall and the air suddenly goes very cold. I look around, feeling like someone is watching me. I shake my head and continue to follow Diaval into the castle. Diaval flies down the hall then takes a sharp turn to the right. I wait a few seconds, waiting for Diaval to come back. After a few minutes, he flies back and perches himself on my shoulder. I walk forward and turn the corner. I hear Walt talking in a small room. Slowly, I peak around the corner and see Walt whispering something to Mason. I move back around the corner and shoo Diaval away with a small thank you. He flies off my shoulder and back down the hall. I quickly turn into the room, forcing a faint smile on my face. Walt looks up and gives me a smile.

"M-Mommy!" Mason runs over to me and wraps my waist in a bone crushing hug.

I have to hold in everything in me to keep from asking Walt what he was talking about with Mason.

"Hey baby girl. How's everything?"


I smile and bend down to kiss her forehead.

"What happened to Jay?" Walt ask me.

"He's working." I reply dryly. Despite him practically, raising me, I can't trust a man who takes my daughter to whisper some weird shit into her ear.

"Tired." Mason mumbles.

"We can go take a nap right now, okay?"

Mason rubs her eyes and nods.

"Where is Jay?" Walt ask, taking a few steps towards me and Mason

"Working." I mumble, looking down at Mason.

"Can I ask on what?"

"No," I look up at him,"You can't."

Walt nods, trying to seem understanding, but I can see the pain in his eyes. I look away and focus on a painting of a castle that Walt built in his fun town. It is meant to be a replica of Aurora's castle. It wasn't close. The castle is smaller and much nicer looking than Aurora's. Maybe because it is meant for kids.

My eyes avert from the painting as I try to study the wall of books.

It is a smaller collection than the one in the study. These books are more for research while the ones in the study are fictional worlds that are incapable of existing.

Mason tugs on my tunic breaking me from my thoughts. I look down at her and she looks up at me with her tired purple eyes.

"Tired." She mumbles, her voice sleepy sounding.

"I should get her to bed." I whisper, looking up at Walt.

"I should be heading home. Lillian doesn't like it when I'm gone this long."

I smile at the mention of his wife. She's a sweet woman. Always brought me little snacks. She helped a lot when I was pregnant. I loved that she didn't question my decision to give up Mason.

Walt walks forward and engulfs me in a hug. At first I am a little shocked but then I gladly sink into his warm embrace, wraps my arms around him. I take in a breath and the smell of cigarettes, pencil shavings, and coffee provide me with comfort.

"You can be good, Mal. If you try hard enough you can be just as good as everyone else." Walt whispers into my ear.

I pull away, completely afraid. Walt only hugged me and told me that when something was going to happen. He did it before all that crap happened to me in the Moors. He then did it before I gave up Mason. And he's doing it now.

Forbidden Child (A Disney/ Maleficent fanfict) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now