Colors [Hux x Reader]

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Requested by british_dork! Thank you!

Request: Since I'm desperately in love with the ginger headed general, can you do a Hux one? Could it be where readers like one of Kylo Ren's friends, and so Kylo introduced them and fluff?

A/N: I was largely inspired by the movie The Village for this oneshot. If you haven't seen it, you're missing out on a really sweet couple and the amazing score by James Newton Howard.

To say that General Hux was irritated when he learned that there would be another Knight of Ren joining the crew of Starkiller Base would be an understatement. The general was distraught. Already, the Knights had cost him more than he was willing to pay in both credits and sanity. Their master had no respect for order and was, in Hux's opinion, the initiator of every major issue on the Base.

The tone of Ren's voice when he told Hux about his pupil was arrogant and completely insufferable. Hux had wanted to punch him in the throat. Yet, Supreme Leader Snoke had insisted that this girl was brought in. Hux could not argue, but he could refuse to meet this girl upon her arrival. He took that one liberty he was offered.

Hux braced himself for twice the amount of bills for control panels and radars and ventilation systems that had been senselessly destroyed in tantrums that were brushed off as necessary to remain in the Dark Side of the Force that only two at Starkiller Base had adopted. He worked harder to ally the First Order with star systems that would protect them from the financial issues these inside attacks caused. He was told that the girl had arrived, but there was never an increase in these demands. If anything, there was a decrease.

Perhaps there had been an error in communications. As a month passed, that was what Hux came to fully believe. He had never seen the girl, and no Knight of Ren was capable of being more than a rage-fueled weapon. She must not exist.

He expressed this belief to Phasma once. "With all due respect, General," she had said, "that is impossible. I have seen her with my own eyes."

"The impossible thing," Hux had countered, "is that someone who trained under Ren has any self-control. You may have been mistaken, Captain."

Phasma shook her head. "I don't believe that is the case. She does appear to be incredibly different from the Commander, that I will give you. There is a tranquility about her that I don't know how the Commander tolerates."

"Any Knight of Ren who is tranquil must not be a Knight of Ren at all," Hux insisted. "No, Captain. I will have to see this to believe it."

As it would turn out, Hux did not have to wait long to see for himself. It was the very day after this conversation that Lieutenant Mitaka called Hux's attention to a control panel that had reportedly gone suddenly out of service. "It's in sector six-two-one," Mitaka informed him. "It's unexplainable. It just short-circuited and blinked out."

Hux allowed himself a small, victorious smirk. Nothing had changed, as he thought. "I believe we can safely assume that the master of the Knights of Ren had a hand in this."

"Shall I send a maintenance crew to inspect it, sir?" Mitaka inquired.

Now, it was time for Hux to settle suspicions once and for all. "Sector six-two-one is not far from here," he pointed out. "I will inspect it myself. Keep things running smoothly in my absence, Lieutenant."

"Yes, sir," Mitaka replied as Hux exited the command center. Hux strutted down the hallways to six-two-one, so confident in his theory that he was already planning the dozens of patronizing questions he would ask Ren about the phantom Knight he was so proud of who never came around, after all.

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