Afterthought [Han x Reader]

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requested by a lovely anon at

Request: The reader is with Luke and Obi-Wan when they meet Han and as the group travels together, Han keeps flirting with the reader and she always answers with witty comebacks and they slowly fall in love.

Warning: Canonical character death.

"Hey, we don't serve their kind here!" the bartender barked the minute you stepped foot inside the dusty cantina.

Luke Skywalker--your friend and traveling companion--seemed dumbfounded. "What?"

"Your droids!" the man clarified. "They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here!"

You and Luke exchanged a brief look. It was important that the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO stayed close, but Old Ben had led you into this cantina for a reason. Luke looked over his shoulder at Threepio. "Why don't you wait out by the speeder," he instructed, patting the golden protocol droid's shoulder. "We don't want any trouble."

"I heartily agree with you, sir," Threepio said, turning to go back outside.

With the Empire desperately searching for the pair, you didn't feel comfortable leaving them to their own devices. "I'll look after them," you told Luke, following them to the speeder.

You almost ran back inside at the sight of the stormtroopers that choked the streets of Mos Eisley. You hated stormtroopers. The sight of them made you sick to your stomach. Ben had said that he would do his best to make sure your group avoided the Empire, but you had a bad feeling that you were going to land right in the heart of it.

If you'd had even the tiniest reason to stay in the middle of Tatooine nowhere, that was where you'd be. But Ben had taken care of you for most of your childhood, and you felt an obligation to stick around.

"I don't like the look of this," Threepio warily voiced your thoughts about the stormtroopers, and Artoo beeped his assent. You had to agree.

"Come on, you two," you instructed, and lead the droids to a more isolated spot.

You almost had a few run-ins with trouble, but ultimately, you were safe. Luke and Ben found you within an hour and began to lead you to the hangar where your escape ship was. To your slight irritation, they gave you very little information about the deals they had struck or who you would be traveling with. Instead, they walked ahead of you, whispering between themselves. You were able to pick up snippets of their conversation.

"I'm not saying he's not the best option, Ben, I'm just saying I don't know if we can trust him," Luke was saying.

"Is that what your head is telling you, or your feelings?" Ben replied. When Luke didn't answer, he continued. "In such situations, it is nearly always better to trust your feelings rather than logic."

At last, you arrived at the hangar. Luke took one look at the ship inside and practically shouted, "What a piece of junk!"

There was a man under the ship, prepping it for takeoff; and at Luke's criticism, his eyes went steely. "She'll make point five past lightspeed," he said in controlled tones. "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I made a lot of special modifications m'self." It was then that the man's eyes landed on you. "Who is she supposed to be?"

"That's our friend Y/N," Luke explained. "She'll be coming with us."

"Oh, no," Han said, holding up a hand. He pointed at Ben. "You said it was just you and the kid, you didn't say anything about no girl. She's not coming."

With a scoff, you leaned forward slightly. "She's standing right here, and she says she is coming."

Ben rested a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, this journey will be dangerous. I don't expect you to come. In fact, for your own good, I would prefer that you didn't."

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