Home, Part 2 [Luke x Solo!Reader]

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Highly requested sequel in which the reader and Luke reunite and make their way to Hoth to start a new Rebel base

Warnings: canonical character death, peril, minor blood

Starring: Me, writing about the Battle of Yavin for Four Hours Only To Delete the Majority of It.

"Y/N!" Biggs Darklighter, who had become one of your closest friends, called you from the doorway of the infirmary on Yavin 4 where you worked. "They rescued the princess!"

You heaved a sigh of relief. Rescuing Leia had been on the front of everyone's minds. "Who did?" you questioned.

"That's just it," Biggs announced, walking over to you. "It was Luke."

Your stomach dropped. Before you could react, your overseer interrupted. "Solo! I need you over here."

"Just a moment!" you called over your shoulder. You turned back to Biggs. "You're sure it was Luke?"

"Yeah, but there's more. Us pilots are suiting up to go to war. The Empire has a weapon called the Death Star, and--"

"Solo!" your overseer barked.

"I'll tell you everything when I get back," Biggs promised excitedly.

You pulled your friend into as tight a hug as you could manage. "Good luck, Biggs," you wished. "Stay safe!"

"Don't count on it," Biggs teased as he hurried out the door.

You hurried to your overseer, who'd gathered a group of your coworkers. "Alright," he began, "I've had it from the command center that our pilots are to fight the Empire soon. We need to prepare for evacuation, so do exactly what I say..."

Once you were dismissed, you followed your instructions, which was to pack up loose supplies. It was important work, but it wasn't what you were focusing on.

Luke's here. He could be just a room or two away. Your heart pounded rapidly at the thought. You were caught between wanting to drop everything to run and find him and wanting to run and hide. Who knew if Luke even wanted to see you? You'd left him, after all. He wouldn't know that you had tried to go back to Tatooine. An hour off the planet you had realized what you were doing--who you were leaving behind.


You ran to the cockpit where Chewie and Han were trying to get the Falcon into light speed. "Han, we need to go back," you told him, quietly at first.

"Go back?" he repeated. "Not on your life, kid. I'm already behind on this shipment thanks to you."

"Han, turn the ship around," you begged. "I have to go back. Drop me off. I know those people. I'll be fine."

Han stood to face you, his arms folded over his chest. "Do you? Let me tell you something, sis. Tatooine is controlled by the Hutts. It doesn't matter if you've met the most wonderful, little family; word is gonna get out that you're there and Jabba's gonna find out. Once he knows you exist, he's suddenly got leverage over me. That puts you and those people in danger with your fate riding on whether or not I can do the Kessel Run fast enough. Got it?"


That made it easy to forgive Han, but forgiving yourself was harder.

"Fancy meeting you here." The sound of a familiar voice caused you to spin around and come face-to-face with your brother, the notorious Han Solo. Speak of the devil.

"What're you doing here?" you snapped, a little more aggressively than you meant.

"Well, hello to you, too," Han scoffed.

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