Somebody to Love [Luke x Reader]

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Request: The reader, an aspiring engineer, meets Luke Skywalker after the war, and they fall for each other.

You were already back in the kitchen when the bell on the front door rang, signaling another customer. The sky was already dark; your manager had promised to turn the sign to closed; you had already taken off your apron and cleaned it, and more than anything you were ready to go home.

"Ugh, this one's yours, sweetie," whined a WA-7 service unit called FE-621. Her programmer had thought it necessary to give her a nasal accent. "I'm powering down; my circuits are fried."

With a nod, you grabbed your apron back off the rack and tied it around your waist. Your manager didn't like you arguing with Effie. After all, she was the restaurant mascot.

Sometimes you wished the manager would let you upgrade her. You'd thought of several modifications that could be made to ensure that her circuits were never "fried" again. But it wasn't the time to worry about it now. Besides, this would be the last customer of the night, and you could stay for another hour.

Before you went to the table, you looked at the door. Your manager hadn't changed the sign as he'd said. Then again, you hadn't expected him to.

A moment's hesitation passed before you walked to your new customer. Only the back of him was visible -- neatly combed blonde hair and a jacket of moss green leather. He wasn't looking at a menu, just around the diner. You caught a glimpse of his profile before he looked back down at his hands and back out the front window.

Standing around wouldn't get you home any faster. You sighed and walked to your customer.

"Welcome to Effie's, what can I do for you?" you whispered as you powered on your order pad. Then you looked up at your customer and nearly choked.

It was Luke Skywalker. The Luke Skywalker. In your diner. Either that, or it was someone who looked a lot like Luke Skywalker.

"Could I get just one black caf, please?" He sounded like Luke Skywalker, too.

Not many days ago, you and your manager had some words. No getting into customer's business, he had said. It was true that you liked to ask questions, but to be called nosy was insulting. Yet, you couldn't disregard your manager, even in his absence. Your curiosity had to be stifled.

"Sure," you answered with a choked voice and a nod, moving behind the bar where the caf maker was and putting in enough ingredients for just one cup. He kept looking over his shoulder at you. Probably because you were staring at him. Because you were almost one-hundred percent sure he was Luke Skywalker.

Once the caf was finished, you took it to him, and he accepted it with a nod and a "Thank you." That was your cue to leave. You started toward the kitchen once, trying to repress your inquisitiveness. Then you turned around, struggling with what to say or if you were even going to say anything at all.

He must have noticed your uncertainty and decided what you would do for you. "You look like you have something to say," the man with Luke Skywalker's face and voice said.

"I--um," you began. You were already talking now. Might as well satiate your nagging curiosity. "It's just-- You're Luke Skywalker, aren't you?"

The man laughed. "Yes-- Well... I try to be."

The dam was broken now. A thousand questions spilled into your mind. The first one to manifest verbally was, "What are you doing here? In our diner... on Coruscant of all places... I mean, this was the Emperor's hellhole."

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