So Much More [Maul x Reader]

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Request: The reader tends to Maul's injuries after a fight.

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Stitches, Thematic Elements

Even from your secluded village, you could sense the war that raged outside your home. It wasn't simple enough to fight with mere weapons and armies, but with things far more precious and more easily broken: the spirits of every creature. This war within the Force--between the dark and light--couldn't be ignored. The scales waited to be tipped.

And yet, you couldn't seem to choose a side. The Sith fed on hatred and selfishness, but The Jedi fed on prejudice, self-righteousness, and moral ambiguity. For those reasons, your mother had left the Jedi Order.

Your mother didn't want you to choose a side, but she concealed her opinion and let you form your own. Though it hardly mattered. Nothing outside the village should concern a healer and her daughter?

"You're grinding those herbs slower than a Hutt," Mother criticized from across the room.

"And you haven't turned a page of that book in ten minutes," you pointed out. "I know you sense something."

"Your senses are keener than mine," she lied. "What do you sense?"

"The dark side," you answered. "There's a strong presence..."

Mother nodded. "Many places on this planet are strong with the dark side," she reminded you in an anxious tone. "But many places are strong with light. The Force is balanced here."

"The scales are tipping," you muttered, but she didn't want to talk about it.

Mother sighed and walked over to you, taking your face in her hands. "You're too young to worry about this," she began. "When you're old like me, you may concern yourself with the Force."

She grabbed your gathering supplies--a basket and knife--gathered them up, and gave them to you. "Clear your mind," she instructed. "A little work outside will do you good."

Wordlessly, you took your supplies from her and walked outside your little hut. Almost immediately, the village children flocked to you. For some reason, these children seemed to adore you, and you loved them just as much. But they couldn't follow you when you ventured deep into the woods. "I can't play now," you apologized. They let out disappointed groans but quickly resumed playing their games.

Deep into the forest, the air was thick and cold, and the trees hid the light. Some villagers claimed that the place was haunted, but you knew it like the back of your hand. Whenever you returned, you pretended that you didn't see them grip their good luck charms in case you had brought back a malevolent spirit with you. What you normally brought back was a root with the ability to break a fever when boiled in a broth; and you knew a good spot to find it. When you reached it, you knelt by a bush and dug into the soil until you found what you were looking for.

As you began to cut the root away, you heard an unfamiliar noise. Cautiously, you brought your knife closer to you. The noise sounded again--like someone in pain, and it was coming from the bush. Pushing away the branches revealed a creature you'd never seen the likes of.

"Get away," it snarled, then winced as if even that caused it pain. "Get away from me!"

You regained the composure you'd lost. "You're hurt. Let me help you."

"No!" he snapped. "Go! Now!"

"I won't," you insisted. Carefully, you pulled him out of the bush and into your lap, despite his protest. "Stop struggling! You'll make it worse!"

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