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Dear Diary,

I always see myself as quiet and 'lonely girl' in many aspects, but when Alice came to me everything changed. Seeing Alice every single day reassured my loneliness. Alice is just great to be with and I want to be with Alice, no matter what. She is like the perfect friend.

From the second I walked through the doors of our school, I just covered up my face so my bullies won’t see me. But I kept calm cause Alice was with me and I know she wouldn’t leave my side. We made the most of our short time together and I showed Alice all of the best parts of me, as if she were my little sister. We had the most amazing time, we were looking through window and she smiled at me.


I woke up to a brand new day and the first thing on my mind was no other than 'Alice'. I turned to my right, kissed her and greeted her a "good morning". These past few days, since that nightmare, I had the feeling of never leaving Alice EVER. I've never gotten attached to anything this close before. I prepared my clothes for school and went to the bathroom with Alice. I placed her at the closet near the sink then I took a bath. I was singing my favorite song and as I got to the chorus, a voice joined in. I wasn't, at all, startled because I knew it was just Alice. It made me happy to think that I wasn't alone anymore. After taking a bath, I wore my clothes and went downstairs with Alice, of course. 

Breakfast was ready with 3 plates set on the table. "Good Morning Eliz and Alice", greeted nanny with a warm smile. So I responded, "Good morning Nanny and Alice says good morning too and that the breakfast look delicious". "Well, I'm flattered Alice. Thank You". I let Alice sit on the chair beside me and I started putting food on her plate then on mine. She didn't touch her food so I asked permission again if I could be the one to finish it up for her. After, I cleaned up my plate and brushed my teeth. While getting ready for school, I told Nanny to put Alice in my bag and so she did. When I was done, I got my bag and check if Alice was there and bid Nanny farewell. 

As I got out, I couldn't bear not holding Alice so I took her out of my bag and held her in my arms while walking towards school. "I hope you'll be safe from the bullies today. I'll do my very best to protect you." I said that with determination and confidence to her cause I don't want to get her hurt. Alice smiled and replied, "Thank you Eliz. I promise to be always at your side no matter what." Those words tugged my heartstrings. No one, except Nanny, had ever told me that. After that so touching moment, I got my focus back and the school was in my vicinity so I said, "Alice, I'll just put you in my bag, okay? I'm doing this for your safety." Then, I kissed her and hid her inside my bag. 

Upon reaching school, I looked around for my bullies. Phew! The coast is clear. But, I still did not let Alice out of my bag cause in any second they might surprise attack. I continued walking until I reached my locker. I got my stuff needed for first period and went to my room. When I got to the room, there were only a few students since the bell did not ring yet. I scanned the room for Maria and she was there staring at me coldly yet with a smile plastered on her face. I can't believe how fake she is. I just hugged my bag closely to me and didn't dare open it for she might see Alice again. The bell rang and all went normally except that I couldn't stop staring at my bag and at Maria all throughout first period. After first period, the day was its usual self. 

KRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNG!. Lunch time, I was famished so I went to the old oak tree and got out Alice and our lunch. I set Alice's lunch then I started to eat mine. "It was getting a bit stuffy in there." Alice broke off the silence with that. "Sorry for that but I was really terrified that they might get you and tear you to shreds". "Hey, don't feel sad. I know it was for my protection. I am really grateful for having you, Eliz. I really am". I, too, was grateful for her. I told her that she meant everything to me right now and that no one could ever replace her. I just wanted to stay in that moment forever it was as if I were in bliss. Suddenly, KRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNG! I got slapped by reality with that ring. I quickly kept my stuff and Alice and went to my next class. The day continued on as usual. Nothing much happened though. 

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